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"We just had sex on Ashton's bed..."

"And I have absolutely no regrets."

-Luke's POV-

"We'll need cake and balloons..."

I glare at Calum as he states this, "And we need beer, and stripers, and if we can't get strippers since we're underaged, we'll just snag some prostitutes. He won't know the difference!"

Its Ashton's birthday, and Calum expects me to help him set up a bunch of stuff in the newly 20 year olds bedroom to quickly surprise him.

Ashton's completely oblivious, sadly thinking we all pretty much forgot about his birthday. We made sure to ignore him this morning.

Calum says that he looked heartbroken, and that was a good thing.

Our older friend comes home from work in about two hours. Calum has his own job to get to, so Michael and I have to set up the beer, and strippers, and prostitutes and fucking streamers all by ourselves.
He'll be back to surprise Ashton, but then he has to go because his lunch break isn't too long.

"I don't think we'll snag a prostitute or strippers this early." Michael yawns.

"Well, TRY, Clifford! TRY!" Calum flails his tan muscular arms, his pout making his chubby cheeks poke out.

"None of you did this for MY birthday..." I mumble, my eyes on my phone.

"Your birthday isn't for another few weeks. Patience." Calum retorts.

"I meant last year..." I try, but he runs over my words.

"Okay, so you guys are in charge. I have to go. Don't forget the strippers." Calum raises himself up from his seat, placing the list of things we Are to gather in Michael's hand since I am too busy playing Splashy Fish to bother with.

Once the door closes, Michael sighs and hits the back of my phone. I glare at him before raising my brows in a sign for him to speak.

"Where do you find prostitutes at a time like this? Cause I can't afford strippers..."


A full thirty minutes later, Michael's at the store getting streamers and I've got the beer in a cooler.

I blow up about ten balloons before taking a small break.

For a guy with asthma, I should reconsider my role in this party planning...

When Michael bursts through the front door, I'm heading to the kitchen to get the cake out of the oven.
He's humming an Ed Sheeran tune, a smile on his face as he slams the 7/11 bag on the counter, "Look what I bought..."

I glance up and let out a laugh.
Michael's got bulky plastic glasses on that have in big letters, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" On the top of the eye piece.

With his bright red, wild hair and the silly pink and blue eyewear, I can't help but laugh.
He looks ridiculous.

"Got you some too." He tells me, opening the plastic bag and fetching out a green and blue pair that have "LETS BOOGY!" Written on top of the eyepiece.

"What USEFUL things did you buy, Mikey?" I shake my head in amusement, overlooking the vanilla cake before opening a cupboard and getting out a small container of red icing.
I jerk a drawer open, fetching a butter knife before popping the lid open.

"I bought streamers and couldn't find a prostitute." Michael answered quickly. He comes closer to my side while I work on smearing some color on Ashton's cake.
His hand comes up to run over my back, but I don't really think much about it.

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