mischievous love

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Mischievous love
     “So you're telling me that if this infinity stone connects with every other stone then half of the entire universe can disappear,” Lexandra said.
    “Yes and you are the one I am relying on to never let that occur,”King Odin said.
    Lexandra nodded and put the blue glowing stone in her necklace.Loki and Thor walked in.Loki smirked at Lexandra and looked at the stone. His eyes full of eagerness.Lexandra pulled the stone to her chest and glared at Loki,knowing that he would try to take it.
    “You may go freely,”Odin said interrupting the silence.
    Lexandra Nodded and walked away bumping into Loki.Loki growled as Thor laughed and slammed his hand on to Loki’s shoulder.   
    Lexandra walked into her chamber as Loki appeared with green smoke circling around him.
    “You know Lady Lexandra you’re quite rude,”Loki said with a smirk.
    “You know Loki you’re also quite rude for barging into my room,”Lexandra said crossing her arms.
    “Well I just want to talk and that infinity stone is very concerning to me. It's very dangerous for a fragile lady like yourself,”Loki said with a smug face.
    “Well Loki I know your tricks,you talking is called manipulation and I can handle it.Unless you are calling me weak,”Lexandra said.
    “Oh no your not weak, it’s just the infinity stone is way more powerful than any being and I could be of some service and help you,”Loki said.
    “Help me how.Your not gonna touch the stone,”Lexandra said backing up.
    “Oh of course not,It’s all yours,”Loki said his tone getting cynical and deep. 
    “What are you planning Loki,”Lexandra said getting louder so other people could hear.
    “I already said, If you don’t believe me it’s fine,” Loki said.
    “If he does help me and doesn’t touch the stone then it would be harmless,right,”Lexandra thought.
    “Wait loki, You can help,”Lexandra said as Loki stopped.
    “Alright, well I guess we are allies,” Loki smirked and got closer to Lexandra.
    Lexandra stood in stance and waited to attack if he tried anything.
    “Well see you then Lady Lexandra,”Loki said with venom in his voice when he said Lexandra’s name.
    Loki slowly disappeared with green smoke filling the air.Lexandra sighed and leaned against a wall.        
    She looked down at the blue stone. She already felt tired. 
    Lexandra heard a knock on the door.
    “Lady Lexandra may I come in,”Thor said.
    “You may,”Lexandra said walking to the door as Thor came in.
    “Well I just wanted to see if you were alright because Loki disappeared as soon as you left the throne room,”Thor said.
    “Well he was here but nothing happened,”Lexandra said. 
    “Oh well alright, I heard shouting so I thought something happened,”Thor said.
    “No nothing happened,”Lexandra said smiling.
    “Oh alright, well I will be in my Bedroom,”Thor said walking out confused.
    Lexandra walked to her bed and fell on her soft gold sheets.
    Meanwhile Loki was trying to come up with plans to make Lexandra start trusting him.    
    Then he got it.
    “She blushed when I got closer,”Loki thought as he smirked.
    “So all I have to do is get her to fall in love with me, then she will trust me,”Loki  thought with a smirk.
    “I guess that will be easy, since she is already quite fond of me,”Loki thought as he sat on his throne.
    As time went by and Lexandra returned to the throne room to talk to Thor about the infinity stone.She walked into the almost completely empty room, besides that Loki was still at his throne thinking of what to do about Lexandra.
    “Where is Thor,”Lexandra said not taking another step near Loki.
    “Not even a hello,”Loki said.
    “Hello,where is your brother,”Lexandra said in an aggravated tone.
    “Someone is being sassy today, alright...Thor should be in the banquet room,”Loki said and looked away from Lexandra.
“Thank you for actually cooperating,”Lexandra said walking out of the room.
“Your welcome, my love,”Loki said with a smirk.
Lexandra blushed and stopped looking back at the door.
“What did he just say,”Lexandra thought.
Lexandra didn’t dare walk back into the throne room.So she started walking back to Thor.As Lexandra walked into the banquet room,Lexandra seen Thor talking to his mother.
“I wonder why Loki is not with them,”Lexandra thought.
“Lady Lexandra,”Thor said in excitement as he walked towards her.
“How are you Thor,”Lexandra said patting Thor’s back.
“Great, where is Loki,”Thor said.
“He is in the throne room,”Lexandra said.
Thor walked towards the throne and patting Lexandra on the back, almost breaking her spine.
“Well I'm not in the throne room,”Loki said as Lexandra turned around really close to him.
“Loki,” She screamed almost falling but Loki grabbed her wrists.
“Now we don’t want you getting hurt,”Loki said smiling genuinely.
Lexandra looked at Loki confused and pulled away from his grasp.
“Well you don’t have to scare me like that,”Lexandra said.
Loki grabbed Lexandra hands and held it between them,Lexandra blushed as Loki bowed.
“My sincerest apologies Lady Lexandra,”Loki said with a smirk.
Lexandra pulled her hands slowly away as she blushed even more.
“I-It’s alright,”Lexandra said.
    “Lady Lexandra are you feeling ok,you look ill,”Loki said.
    “Yes I'm fine,”Lexandra said quietly.
    “Why is he being so nice to me, it’s gotta be a trick,”Lexandra thought.
    “Alright, if you start feeling worse please tell me,”Loki said putting his hand on Lexandra’s shoulder.
    Lexandra was about to say something but stopped.
    “Well i'm going to go get my pompous brother,”Loki said smirking.
    Lexandra giggled and walked away.
    Lexandra saw Odin walked over to her.
    “Lady Lexandra, my greatest warrior”Odin said.
    “Hello my king,”Lexandra said bowing.
    “Get up,”Odin said laughing.
    “Yes sir,”Lexandra said.
    “Lady Lexandra tomorrow we will be fighting the frost giant’s ,hope your ready,”Odin said.
    “Yes sir,”Lexandra said. 
    “Good, now if you would get my son’s,”Odin said.
    “Yes sir,”Lexandra said walking away. 
    As Lexandra walked back to the throne room she seen Loki on the floor covered in blood.
    “Oh no...Loki,”Lexandra managed to say.
    “Run,”Loki spat out with blood coming out of his mouth.
    “No I can’t leave you,”Lexandra said running towards him.
    “You fool, he said trying to get up,”Loki said.
    Lexandra helped him up and he got blood all over her dress.
    “Thor has gone mad,” Loki said spitting more blood on her dress.
    “What do you mean,”Lexandra said speeding up the pace.
    “He tried to kill me,”Loki said.
    Lexandra shot Loki a death glare. 
    “What did you do,”Lexandra said
    Loki regained balance and got of Lexandra 
    “I didn’t do anything, his eyes went red and he started attacking me,”Loki said yelling as good as he could do with an injury.   
    Loki fell back on Lexandra.
    Lexandra started walking again with Loki.
    “Lexandra give me the stone,”Thor said walking out of the darkness behind them.
    Lexandra put Loki on the floor and he leaned against the wall.
    “Why do you want it,”Lexandra said shielding Loki.
    “Why is she protecting me, she could have already ran off,”Loki thought.
    “I need it so give me it or die,”Thor said.
    “Well your really bad at pretending to be Thor,”Loki said.
    “Your really bad at playing innocent,”Thor said.
    “I'm not the one not who is pretending to be someone else,”Loki said.
    “It might be your body but your still pretending not to be weak,”Thor said.
    Lexandra ran at Thor and knocked him down.
    “Sorry about this, if you can hear me,”Lexandra said.
    Lexandra kicked Thor in the face making him go unconscious.
    “I will go get Odin,”Loki said.
    Loki tried to disappear but faded back.
    Loki looked at a syringe in his side.He slowly pulled it out.
    “Well that’s not good,”lexandra said looking at the syringe.
    Loki tried to make a duplicate of himself, but nothing happened.
    “I can’t use my magic,”Loki said panicked.
    “Well now I at least know this isn’t your doing,”Lexandra said grabbing loki and walking to the Banquet room.
    Loki sighed and leaned on Lexandra more.As they went into the banquet room everyone turned towards them. 
    “Loki what happened,”Odin said sternly as he walked towards him.
    “Thor started going crazy and attacked Loki, he tried to take the infinity stone,”Lexandra said.
    “Why would Thor do that,” Odin shot a glare at Loki.
    “My magic is gone, I didn’t do anything,”Loki said.
    “It’s true he got stabbed with a syringe,”Lexandra said.
    Odin sighed and walked to the throne room motioning four guard’s to go with him.
    “Lady Lexandra make sure Loki doesn’t leave your sight,”Odin said heading to the throne room.
    Loki sighed and sat down on the floor.Everyone was still staring.
    “What?!”Loki said with venom and scanned around the room,looking like he was ready to kill.
    Lexandra grabbed him by his ear and walked to her room.
    “That’s hurt’s you know,”Loki said trying to pull away from her grip.
    “Well I don’t care,”Lexandra said walking up to her door and slamming the door open.
    Lexandra sat Loki on the bed.He collapsed,laying on the golden sheets smiling. 
    “Stay here,I'm going to get a rag to wash the blood off,”Lexandra said walking in her bathroom.
    Loki sighed getting up winching at the sharp pain in his chest.He looked around Lexandra’s room.He didn’t really know much about her.All he knew that she was Odin’s main soldier and she was stern.
    Loki then saw a picture of her as a little girl and two adults holding both of her hands.Loki smiled.
    “Must be her parent’s wonder why she doesn’t talk about them,”Loki thought as Lexandra walked out.
    “What are you doing,”Lexandra said looking at the picture in Loki’s hands.
    She teared up a little bit but pulled the picture out of his hands, looking away from Loki.
    “I got bored so I was looking around,”Loki said.
    “Whatever, sit down,”Lexandra said sternly.
    Loki sat down as he lifted his shirt off.
    “Who were the people in the picture,”Loki said.
    “That was me and my parent’s, they’re dead,”Lexandra said.
    “Oh, I'm sorry about that,”Loki said looking at the picture.
    “Yeah well shut it and wash the blood off of you,”Lexandra said throwing the rag at him.
    “Alright Lexandra,”Loki said.
    “Lady Lexandra,”Lexandra said crossing her arms trying not to look at Loki. 
    “Yes,Sorry Lady Lexandra,”Loki said wiping the blood off of his face.
    There was a loud knock on the door.
    “Who is there,”Lexandra said.
    Another louder knock on the door.This time rattling the door hinges and knob.
    “She said who is there,”Loki said aggravated.
    Everything went quiet.Loki grabbed Lexandra wrists and ran out the back door of the room. There was a loud crash noise behind them. Thor walked through covered in blood. 
    “Brother,where do you think your going,”Thor said.
    “Lexandra, your gonna have to trust me,”Loki said.
    “What other chance do I have,”Lexandra said tighten her grip on Loki’s hand.
    They came up to a river and jumped in,they swam through  the river where asgard ended. Lexandra looked at Loki confused but also terrified of what he was going to do. Loki jumped off the edge holding onto Lexandra hand and pulling her with him. Lexandra felt herself hit a dry surface. Lexandra got up and held her head.
    “Lady Lexandra are you alright,”Loki said. 
    “Y-yes Im fine,”Lexandra said shaking her head.
    “The side of your head is bleeding,”Loki said 
    “Oh,well one of your wounds are bleeding again,”Lexandra said.
    Lexandra walked closer to Loki and put her hand on Loki chest right beside the wound. Loki winced, and backed away. 
    “I can patch up myself but thanks,”Loki said.
    Lexandra looked around water was blocking everything outside.They were in a huge medal room. There was grass growing on the side of the walls and the water was reflecting on the medal making everything eluminate with blue.
    “What is this place,”Lexandra said.
    “I don't know, I just know I found it when I was little when I fell down here,”Loki said looking back at Lexandra.
    “Well how did you get out,”Lexandra said.
    Loki walked to the edge of the room, and opened the hatch to a door on the ceiling.
    “Wait the water,”Lexandra yelled.
    “I know Lady Lexandra,”Loki said opening the door all the way.
    Lexandra looked at the opening of the door, the water didn’t move. It just stayed there like it was frozen. Lexandra put her hand up and touched the water. Lexandra hand went through but the water still didn’t move.
    “This is amazing,”Lexandra said astonished.
    “Yes you are,”Loki said.
    “What,”Lexandra said confused.
    “I-i said Yes it is,”Loki said blushing
    “Um alright,When are we leaving,”Lexandra said.
    “We can  try now but It might be risky,”Loki said.
    “Alright...you first,”Lexandra said backing away from the door.
    “Lexandra it will be fine, he isn’t just sitting out there,”Loki said rolling his eyes and disappearing into the water.
    Lexandra walked up to the water and took a deep breathe.All of a sudden Loki’s hand appeared and grabbed Lexandra pulling her into the water.Lexandra coughed as her head popped up from the water.
    “Got you,”Loki said splashing water into Lexandra’s face.
    “You scared me,”Lexandra said.
    “Well whatever,come on,”Loki said swimming away as Lexandra followed.
    “Can you create a portal,”Loki said getting back on land.
    “How do I do that,”Lexandra said looking at the stone.
    “Just think of one and hold the Space stone,”Loki said.
    “Fine I will try,”Lexandra said grabbing the Space stone.
    Lexandra heard tons of different people whispering and then felt the stone’s energy go through her body.She opened her eyes and saw a dark blue portal had appeared.Loki walked through cautiously as Lexandra followed.
    Lexandra heard more whispering as she felt her body lift off the ground.Loki turned back around shocked.
    “Lexandra let go of the stone,”Loki yelled grabbing Lexandra by the legs trying to pulling her back down.
    Lexandra looked at Loki and smirked.
    “Lexandra listen to me please,”Loki begged lifting off the ground.
    Lexandra’s eyes widened and she let go of the stone.Realising what was happening.She felt her she became dizzy and fell to the ground.Loki slide to the ground and caught the passed out Lexandra in his arms.He winced in pain as he got up,carrying Lexandra into the dark blue portal.
    Loki sighed as he looked around. Lexandra and Loki were on Earth or Midgard.People gave Loki glares and stepped back as he walked to the nearest hotel.
    Loki burst through the door as he saw the woman at the counter. She looked at him terrified.
    “You are gonna give me a room and two beds,”Loki said smirking.
    She nodded giving Loki the keys,and running into the back room.Loki shrugged and walked to their room.
    When Loki finally got to the room he laid Lexandra on the floor and unlocked the door.He then grabbed Lexandra by the shoulders and put her on the bed.Loki smiled at Lexandra and then reached for the Space Stone.The Space stone made a screeching sound and shocked Loki's hand.
    “How dare you,”Loki yelled at the stone and pouted walking to his bed.
    He then crossed his arms and sat on his bed.Lexandra shot up out of her bed looking around confused. 
    “Where am I,”Lexandra said.
    “Midgard, in a hotel,”Loki said.
    “Oh,isn’t this the place Thor goes to all the time,”Lexandra said worried.
    “Well, yes but this planet is highly overpopulated with mortals.It would be very hard to find us. Also we are in a place where overpopulation usually occurs,”Loki said.
    “Where is that,”Lexandra said.
    “New york, Thor’s friends are here,”Loki said.
    “Is that a good thing,”Lexandra questioned.
    “Well for you yes, they despise me,”Loki said.
    Loki sighed and held his head up with his hand.
    “Okay look here is the plan,You will go to Thor's friends and tell them about Thor going crazy,you will take them to asgard with the stone and Don’t mention me but I will follow behind you secretly,”Loki said.
    “Um alright where are Thor’s friends, I would love to meet them,”Lexandra said.
    Loki grabbed Lexandra’s hand and disappeared, They appeared at a tall building with a Giant A at the top.
    “Wow, this place is amazing,”Lexandra said looking around in awe.

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