a ending for a new beginning

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"Is there a possibility of her breathing to stop,"Loki said looking at Lexandra who seemed to be still breathing.
"Never used the syrm until today I made it for Thor just wanted to see if it reacts the same,"Tony said leaning against the wall.
"Well she seems fine,"Loki said putting Lexandra's hand that was off the bad back on the bed.
"Well are you gonna stay here until she wakes up?"Tony questioned.
"Yes, but when she wakes we are going back to asgard Immediately,"Loki said.
"Thor wants her to stay,"Tony said.
"Well Lexandra needs to go back to Odin so we can exile Alena,"Loki said getting annoyed.
"Whatever so say, "Tony said walking out of the room.
Loki rolled his eyes as he felt a hand touch his shoulder.He jumped off the bed as Lexandra laughed.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you,"Lexandra said sitting up on the bed.
"No, it's just I was worried that Alena was still in your head,"Loki said.
"I didn't hurt anyone did I?"Lexandra questioned.
"No, all you did was run at me,"Loki said and chuckled.
"Oh, why does my neck hurt,"Lexandra said holding the back of her neck.
"Thor picked you up by the neck, but realized it was your body still so he grabbed your wrists instead,"Loki said rolling his eyes.
Loki sat back on the bed and moved the hair out of Lexandra's face.Lexandra blushed but kept a confused expression on.
"Lexandra are you sure you are alright?" Loki asked in a calm tone.
"Yes, I'm fine "Lexandra said.
"Then why are you blushing?"Loki said.
"Um I'm kinda hot under this blanket, that's all,"Lexandra said stuttering.
"Your lying, Lady Lexandra don't pretend like it's not obvious," Loki said, feeling his heart race.
"What if I'm wrong and she doesn't like me,then I'm about to show weakness to her,"Loki thought.
"I guess it is, well I,"Lexandra was interrupted about what she was about to say as Natasha and Steve walked in.
"How ya feeling,
?"Natasha asked.
"Um good, is there something I need to do?"Lexandra asked.
"Tony wants to run some tests before you go,"Steve said.
"Alright I will be right out,"Lexandra said.
Loki rolled his eyes as Steve and Natasha walked out of the room.
"So what were you about to say?"Loki questioned.
Lexandra jumped at Loki giving him a hug.Loki gasped but returned the hug.
"I like you, "Lexandra said.
"Really, why me,"Loki said letting go of Lexandra.
"Well you show me that you care for saving me as much as you have also you always have a certain charm,maturity,cleverness,and I can relate to you,"Lexandra said.
"Well I didn't think you could see all that about me,"Loki said blushing.
"Hey Loki?"Lexandra said smirking.
"Yes?"Loki asked.
"Are you alright?"Lexandra asked.
"Yes, I'm fine,"Loki said confused.
"Then why are you blushing?"Lexandra asked as she smirked and walked out of the room.
Loki smiled and walked after her.
Lexandra felt Loki's arm around her shoulders as they walked to the lab.The entire time Loki had a smirk on his face.
"You happy about something?"Lexandra said giggling.
"When am I not happy when I'm with you,"Loki said.
"When Thor was possessed and stuck a needle in your side,"Lexandra said.
"Well, yes ,because I was in pain,"Loki said.
"By the way, when did you get your powers back?"Lexandra asked.
"When you became unconscious from Alena but I started getting my powers when we first went in Jotunheim,"Loki said.
Lexandra looked at Loki for second but then opened the lab door seeing Tony and the Hulk.Loki flinched when the Hulk barely moved his arm.
"Hello, see your awake and can walk just fine,"Tony said.
"I know that's not the full reason I'm here though,"Lexandra said chuckling.
Lexandra sat on the medal table as her armor clanked against it. The hulk snarled at Loki as he went to Lexandra's side for safety.
"So, does everything feel normal,no pain or odd sensations?"Tony questioned.
"Yes, besides my neck but I heard what happened already,"Lexandra said.
Thor walked into the room with a huge smile on his face.Loki at his brother very unamused and looked down to see Lexandra hands were shaking.Loki smiled and put his hand on top of hers calming her down.
"She is clearly upset by all of this,mad and just plain upset,"Loki thought.
"Lady Lexandra, how are you feeling?"Thor said patting Lexandra's back lightly.
Thor looked at Loki as Lexandra let go of Loki's hand.Loki just looked aggravated at Thor.
"I'm feeling fine, besides the fact you nearly strangled me,"Lexandra said rolling her eyes but then laughing it off
"My apologies, my actions were to fast and should have been more well executed before hand,"Thor said.
Lexandra patted Thor's shoulder and chuckled.Tony put a weird scanning device on Lexandra's arm as it made three beeping noises,then he took it back off her arm and looked at the device.
"Well Lexandra has had quite a day,probably exhausted from everything,"Tony said.
"I have faced worse,"Lexandra said laughing.
"Well considering everything that happened, also your free to go I'm done with tests,"Tony said.
"It's been nice meeting all of you,"Lexandra said.
"You cannot stay?"Thor said.
"Thor I think we have to explain a lot of things to Odin,"Loki said.
"Ah, yes I guess so,"Thor said.
Lexandra held the stone as she thought of asgard.When the portal appeared Thor walked in followed by Loki and Lexandra. The portal closed as Tony kept working.
Tony kept working, looking at machines to data.
"Sir, there is-,"Jarvis tried as the whole place exploded engulfing in flames. Tony went flying back into shards of glass. He winced in pain as he tried to move. The hulk smashed one of the doors down and grabbed Tony as the place blew up again shattering glass everywhere.
The Hulk landed on the road as most of the Avengers ran to the Hulk. Tony looked around not seeing Steve.
"Where's cap?"Tony asked.
"We couldn't find him,we were searching the whole place before the explosion for him,"Natuasha said.
The sky darkened as a huge ship flew above the Avengers. The Hulk roared as a guy with a brown jacket, along with a girl green skin walked out.
"Hello, so this ship told us to go to you for help and our friends are missing so you know how to find a talking tree and a raccoon?"The guy said.
Back in asgard Lexandra was explaining things to Odin with the help of Thor. Loki was In his room reading as Lexandra gave Odin all.the details. Odin nodded and continued talking to the Thor as Lexandra went to find Loki.
Lexandra walked in Loki's room and seen him reading a book with a solid red cover.
"Hey,me and Thor spoke to Odin,"Lexandra said.
"Everything alright?"Loki questioned.
"For now anyway you know how Odin is,"Lexandra said chucking.
Loki lifted up his book and pointed to it. He then sat on the edge of his bed as Lexandra walked over.
"Have you ever read this book, it's called the "North Of Dawn".It's really good so far,"Loki said putting it on his bed.
Loki looked at Lexandra as she sat on the bed.
"Do you think we can actually relax for a full day or do you think something else will happen,"Lexandra said.
"All we really can do is hope,"Loki said.
Lexandra leaned against Loki.The door slowly opened as Thor walked in.
"Hello, Loki Odin wants to speak to you,"Thor said.
"Alright, I will be there shortly,"Loki said.
"We probably should have brought Alena here,do you think we should get her after we talk to the all father,"Lexandra said.
"Yes, he probably wants her to explain herself and throw her away in asgard,"Loki said.
Loki and Lexandra walked out of the room to the throne room.Lexandra felt uneasy, she had a bad feeling in her gut.
"Do you feel odd,like something's gonna happen?"Lexandra asked.
"It's probably just paranoia,"Loki saif.
Lexandra and Loki walked in the throne room. Loki looked around. No one was there.The Throne room was empty.
"Where is Odin or Thor?"Loki questioned.

"I don't know, I will check the halls and banquet room, you can check the ballroom and the halls on the left,"Lexandra said.
Loki nodded as he walked to the ballroom. Lexandra sighed and walked to the banquet room.
"Lexandra!"Heimdall's voice echoed in the halls.
"Heimdall, I'm deeply sorry about your sister,"Lexandra said.
"Odin and Thor have disappeared from my sight,"Hemidall said.
"What do we do?"Lexandra questioned
"They possibly went to another dimension,"Heimdall said.
"You have the tesseract, you could possibly find them with that,"Heimdall said.
"Alright I will get Loki and figure things out,thank you Heimdall,"Lexandra said walking to the ballroom.
Loki was walking around the halls when he seen Lexandra's room.
"Wonder what happened to her family,she didn't die from whatever happened,"Loki thought.
Loki walked in her room and went over to the picture. It was just her and her parents.He looked behind Her mother and noticed a small hand.Loki then took out the picture from the frame and seen another little girl.
"Why would she block put this person,"Loki questioned himself.
He then felt something on the back of the paper. He looked to find a duck taped envelope to the back. It was very small and had tons of writing over it, some of the writing even over lapped itself.
Loki then took out the envelope and unfolded it. The passage read.
"Test subject no.1 was enhanced with the ability of a Telekinetic power.Weakness,strength,ability,stability,and damages to subject 1 is unknown,".
"Was the other little girl the test subject?"Loki questioned.
Loki heard Lexandra shut the door to the ballroom. He quickly but the picture in the frame and put the letter in his pocket and disappeared out of her room into another hallway.
"Loki there you are,I've been looking the whole place over I thought you disappeared like Odin and Thor did,"Lexandra said walking up to him.
"Well I'm here,so did you find out anything,"Loki said feeling guilty about taking the letter.
"Heimdall said they are in another dimension and that the tesseract is our only hope of getting them back,well that's what I understood in all that anyway,"Lexandra said scratching her head.
"Well you did good, and I think we need to go back to the Avengers they usually deal with these kinds of situations,"Loki said.
Lexandra Hugged Loki as She saw the envelope poking out of his pocket.
"Umm, what's this!"Lexandra said pushing Loki away, holding up the letter.
"I just wanted to see what upset you so much,so I thought I would look at the picture but I seen another hand then I found that,"Loki said.
"Why wouldn't you just ask me instead, why would you just barge in my room!"Lexandra said tearing up.
"Lexandra I'm sorry it's just I got curious and I didn't think I was gonna find about that girl being a test subject,"Loki said.
"Wait what?"Lexandra questioned.
"Well I only read the first passage thinking it was going to be sentimental letter from your parents or someone,"Loki said.
"Oh wow I thought you knew..,"Lexandra said drifting off.
"Knew what?"Loki asked.
Lexandra sighed hugging Loki again.
"My parents were awful people who only tested on me,my sister who was blocked out of the picture was there pride and joy they never would've tested on her. They loved her and I was a doll they could throw around,"Lexandra said hugging Loki harder.
"Oh...,the paper said you had powers,"Loki said holding Lexandra.
"They experimented on me for years, I was a test subject,"Lexandra said.
"I'm sorry,that's awful but I know how it feels to be second best in a family,"Loki said.
"I killed them,"Lexandra said.
"What?"Loki asked looking at Lexandra.
"My powers got to the point where they couldn't contain themselves, so I let them out and the whole house blew up but my sister wasn't home so didn't see what happened,"Lexandra said.
Loki didn't say anything he just held Lexandra and rubbed her shoulder.
"We better get back on track to find Odin and Thor,"Lexandra said pulling away from Loki.
"Alright, so let's go to the Avengers now,"Loki said.
Lexandra grabbed the space stone and a portal appeared. Lexandra and Loki both walked through seeing an odd spaceship infront of the destroyed Avengers tower.
"By Odin's beard what happened here?"Lexandra said shocked.
"Hey guys,so we are doing some remodeling of the tower,"Tony said walking out of the ship.
"What happened here,"Lexandra said sternly.
"As soon as you left the tower blew up and Captain America disappeared,Also these people came here in a ship asking how to find two of there missing friends,"Tony said.
"Thor and Odin have also went missing,"Loki said looking around for Alena.
"Alena is in the ship chained up,"Tony said, holding his head.
"So if we find those two people and Steve, will you help us?"Lexandra questioned.
"They all went missing around the same time, so they are mostly likely in the same place,"Dr.Banner said walking out.
"Oh good, your not that beast right now,"Loki said.
Lexandra gave Loki a sharp glare but looked back at Banner.
"Can we meet these new people?"Lexandra questioned.
"Follow me,"Tony said walking to the ship.
Lexandra looked at the man with a brown jacket and green skinned woman as a man with gray skin and red tattoos popped of a chamber.
"Hello,"Lexandra said as they all waved.
"This is Lexandra and Loki,they will be helping us find our friends,"Tony said.
"The more help the better,"The lady with green skin said.
"Oh and this is gamora,Starlord, and Drax,"Tony said.
Loki just rolled his eyes as Lexandra waved.
"So this should do it,"Starlord said holding up a weird metal device.
"It's a scanned we put on our friend groot if he ever got lost,"Gamora said.
"So all we have to do is go where it says and we will find all of them?"Lexandra questioned.
"Yes,but we have to cross another dimension,so go in a black hole and hope it doesn't close up when we want to leave,"Starlord said.
"Oh great, this sounds so fun..,"Loki said and rolled his eyes.
Lexamdra sighed and looked at Loki with a long glare.
Everybody sat in there seats as the ship quickly went into hyper speed. Soon they were out of earth's orbit and flying through space.
"There is a black hole in four sixty six point two forty seven point five hundred fifty five miles away,"Said Gamora.
"Meaning two hours away in this ship,"Starlord said proudly.
"Actually three hours fifty three minutes to go,"Gamora said.
"Oh..,"Star Lord said.
Lexandra started to doze off into Loki's shoulder, she more and more sleeper every second.
Then she saw a flash of her in the rain smiling on midgard.she looked around seeing a portal and the Avengers tower being built again
When opened her eyes she saw Loki was holding her hand looking at the floor in a trance.
"Are you ok?"She asked worryingly.
"Hm? Oh yes I'm fine, I was just thinking,"Loki said.
Gamora walked into the room and looked around at all the Avengers.
"Ten minutes to the portal,"she said walking back out.
"I have been asleep for that long?"Lexandra asked.
"Indeed,but this week has been frantic,"Loki said.
"Can't wait to just go to my chamber in Asgard and read my books,"Lexandra said.
The ship started to rattle and shake. Everyone glanced at each other with nervous expressions.Lexandra gripped Loki's hand tighter.
All of a sudden the shaking stopped and Star Lord walked into the room.
"So another sixteen minutes and we are there,"Star lord said.
"What do you think we will have to face when we are there,"Dr.Banner said.
"Hopefully get them and get out of there,"Lexandra said.
"No, we have know to what's causing this,"Dr.Banner said.
Lexandra nodded as the Avengers got up and started getting ready for whatever awaits them.
There was a soft bump as they landed. The door opened slowly, showing a world with red sand and purple sky. The wind was heavy as the cactuses swirled. Lexandra was the first to step out as everyone else followed.
"So nothing attacked us yet that's good right,"Clint said walking out of the ship.
Gamora rolled her eyes and looked around for anyone.
"We should go in groups and signal each other if we find them,"Peter said.
"I will go with Bruce in case I have to calm him or the hulk down,"Natasha said.
"I'll go with you Natasha,"Ant Man said.
Tony, Hawkeye,and spiderman went off in a group.
Loki stuck right beside Lexandra as she looked at the guardians.
"Alright we will go east,"Gamora said and started walking.
"Loki you ok?"Lexandra asked as his skin turned blue.
"Just fine,"Loki said not really paying attention.
"Lexandra you have one of the stones correct,"Gamora said.
"Yes, the space stone,"Lexandra raising an eyebrow.
"Maybe you can tell where they are easier,"Clint said.
"Um alright,"Lexandra said as Loki walked off to a small hill.
"Hey, where are you going!"Gamora said.
"Found something,"Loki said bluntly as he continued walking down the hill.
"Wait, Loki we don't know who else is over there,"Lexandra running after him.
The rest of the group followed as they pulled out weapons.
"Lexandra I can handle it,"Loki said.
"Handle what,ever since we got here you have acting strange,"Lexandra said.
Loki stopped walking and looked at Lexandra.
"I am fine and I'm just worried about whatever took Thor and Odin,"Loki said.
"Why did you turn your skin,"Lexandra said.
"Thought it would be a good change,"Loki said turning back to asgardian form and started walking again.
Lexandra followed as got her sword out.
"You didn't have to change back, I like any form you take, it's you is what counts Loki,"Lexandra said.
"I know, but when we get in there and my brother wakes up, he will act in an odd manner,"Loki said.
The group got to the door of the huge building.There was one huge window, something seemed to be glowing inside.
The building was made of metal like materials and there was one huge door the group was standing at.
Star lord fired his gun into the Sky two times as gamora smacked him.
"What are you doing, if there is anyone in there they know we are here,"Gamora said.
"I was giving a signal for the others,"Star lord said.
"We can take them,"Drax said as swung open the door.
Loki grabbed Lexandra and jumped away from the door.
As a Hammer came right at Drax's face.
Gamora ducked as star lord got hit with Shield in the stomach.
Lexandra jumped up and ran to drax. She dragged him as fast as she could to the other side of the door.
groot and rocket came out as rocket started shooting at Gamora.
Lexandra quickly turned to Starlord and helped him up.
"You mind controlled freaks!"Rocket yelled.
Odin and Thor stepped out walking to Lexandra.
Star lord stepped in front if Lexandra.
"Were not,"Starlord said as he got hit with a
"Thor were not being mind controlled,"Lexandra said.
Loki came running at Lexandra and picked her up. They disappeared and appeared behind them in the building.
A shield went at Loki but Lexandra grabbed it and swung it away.
"Steve we are not being mind controlled!"Lexandra said.
"How can I tell if that's the truth,"Steve said.
Lexandra put her weapons on the ground.
There was a loud Roar outside as Thor and Hulk started fighting.
"We thought you guys were mind controlled,"Lexandra said.
Steve ran out of the building.
"Guys none of ,"Steve tried to say before he got knocked down by Iron man.
Lexandra signed and rolled her eyes.
"Cover me,"Lexandra said to Loki as they ran out.
Lexandra then felt some weird urge to grab the stone. She just wanted them to stop fighting. She grabbed the stone as she flew up in the sky and screamed. She started glowing blue like what was glowing in the window. Lexandra looked down as everyone stopped and looked at her.
"None of us are being mind controlled,"Her voice echoed loud that the sand underneath her moved.
She felt light headed and fell back down. The hulk jumped up and grabbed her safely on the ground. When she awoke she was in asgard. Loki was again sitting on the bed waiting for her to wake up.
"Hey.."Lexandra said weakly.
Loki jolted up and hugged Lexandra.
"So, what happened,"Lexandra said.
"Alena is in asgardian prison and we still don't know how Thor,Odin, or the Avengers got In that building.
Lexandra got up as a sharp pain went through her side.

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