The first sighting

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Dan was a tall lanky boy with shaggy black hair and emerald green eyes. was a girl with shorter dirty blonde and black hair and greenish-grey eyes. Both of them blended into a crowd quite well. nothing too remarkable about them appearance-wise. But what's going to unfold will throw them into a dizzy daze while under the spotlight of friends and enemy.

Dan sat quietly and peacefully reading his book in the library, Wynter walked in with her best friend Maxx. His eyes Drawn to Maxx at first he stood out with his blueish silver hair and dress shirt bow-tie combo. He wasn't interested though when he saw Wynter his heart seemed t skip a beat. she was beautiful she was wearing a pink, white and black striped off the shoulder shirt and a black skater skirt. She had bubble frame glasses and a red beanie. She was stunning. Dan couldn't help but stare at her. she was too much his type not too.

"Hey, broski you see that guy over there?" Maxx spoke slightly above a whisper, it was a library after all. "yeah why?" Wynter said even though she knew exactly what Maxx was going to say. you see these two have a lot of history they've been besties ever since 1rs grade. But that another story for another time. "He's totally checking you out!" Maxx said nudging Wynter's shoulder gently. Wynter had seen Dan around the school before and she honestly did think he was kind of cute but she didn't even know his name so that has the extent of her thoughts on him. "c'mon you need to go and claim your manzzz!" Maxx teased a goofy smile on his face that Wynter returned, mainly to get him off her back about thins cute as fuck emo boy.

Max wasn't what you would call subtle. So dan heard quite a bit of the conversation that the two were having and he began to formulate his plan. You see Dan was a very cunning man and he was going to find a way to talk t this girl. He didn't even know her name but he did know one thing and it was that he wanted to get to know her.

max seemed rather approachable so after 4th period he waled from the art hallway of the school to the lunchroom to find Maxx. He was gonna try to get some info on her so he could befriend the two of them to get closer to Wynter " Hey Maxx?" Maxx spun around to see Dan waving him over he walked over " Yeah? how do you know my name? he asked a little confused. " oh I've heard about you you're kinda popular here." Maxx nodded in agreement "Anyway my name is Dan. I saw you and Wynter this morning in the library and I don't have any friends around here and was wondering if I can get lunch for you two. And maybe get to know you two a little." Maxx smiled "Sure why not, anything is better than eating roasted cabbage, Let me go get her." Maxx walked away and went up to Wynter who was in the middle of pulling out her rather sad and pathetic lunch. "Bro cute library boy wants to get lunch for us. We should go get some Pizza at Little Ceasers!" Wynter started putting her lunch back "sure why not." they both walked out of the lunchroom and met up with Dan.

Dan extended his hand out to Wynter who took it "I'm Dan and you two are Wynter and Maxx?" they both nodded in agreement. "Well where would you two like to go?" he asked, "how about Little Ceasers?" Wynter asked as sweetly as she could. "let's go!" Dan said excitedly.

Dan could not get Wynter off his mind. She was stunning. She was cute. She was perfect, And his plan was working swimmingly well. He was a determent to woo her and he wasn't going to stop until he did

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