Small Snowy Sins

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An angel fell into my hand today.

There were billions floating down from the steel blanket of clouds. They twirled like ballerinas on their descent.

And I wondered, why? Why are they cast down from heaven like this? What did they do wrong?

Then one hit my hand.

She was graceful. Her dress was a confection of icy diamonds. Everything about her was pure white.

She looked up at me and whispered a few words.

"I love you. Do you love me?"

Then she melted into a tiny puddle of water.

Why was she destined to this life?

I stood for awhile and watched them fall. Some were screaming, while others remained silent. But most of them cried:

"I love you. Do you love me?"

I tried to keep walking on to the office, but I couldn't focus on the way.

All those peccadillos, cast down to die in agony?

I couldn't take their pleads. So finally I screamed.

"I love you! Can't you see that I love you all so much!"

Whatever god could kill angels didn't hear me.

So I watched the angels' bodies coat the earth in a sheath of fine white powder, knowing one thing:

They were all innocent.

That was the day I became an atheist.

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