The things you say

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Hold on. Take a nothing minute to recognize this beautiful, fabulous, would look good with Alan ashby person above too. Like. Again. Wtf. I hate people now. God makes pretty people that don't live near me . Again wtf. Ihy all but. Kellic.

Continue on.

Kellins POV (oh snap cracked your back)~

I wake up in the middle of the night. I fell asleep. I was supposed to be getting everything ready for Kelton to come home. I was so focused on Cody I forgot I had to set up an romantic night for my husband.

God,  I'm so dumb why did I even go out tonight.  Kelton is going to be mad. Like, pissed. I deserve whatever I get. Who the fucks goes out and flirts with some guy when they have a husband. 

I look around the room and search for my phone.

No where near. I jump out of bed and head down stairs to find Kelton sitting on the coach with my phone going through it.

Shit.shit.shit.shit I think

I start walking downstairs slowly.

"So this is what you do when I'm gone for a week" Kelton says still sitting on the couch back faced me.

"Uhm what are you talking about" I say acting dumb. He stands up and turns around. "What am I talking about huh?" He throws the phone down and walks over to me.

"Who is cody?" He says looking for an answer.  "Just a friend I met at the store" I say.

"Really now?" He says calmly.

"I'm sorry kelton it's just that I need attention and you haven touched me in ye-"

I feel a pain shoot throw my body. He hit me. Just like always when he is mad.

"You slut! I do nothing but make you happy and this is what you do. WE BEEN TOGETHER FOR 3 YEARS AND YOU GO BEHIND MY BACK AND FLIRT WITH THIS KID"

Kelton says yelling at me. I start sobbing as he walks upstairs. And I just collapse on the floor.

"I deserve this" I say to myself over and over again.  "I deserve this"

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

I finally picked myself off the floor and walk up the stairs.  I been struggling to do this over and over again. And I never do it right.

I got to my room and walked straight to my drawer pulling out my clothes.

"Kellin what do you think you're doing" kelton says with a stern tone.

"Kelton we can't do this anymore.  I'm not happy like I used to be. We were young when we go married, 18 to be exact (idk if you can get married at that age but w.e) I use to love you an-"

I was cut off by his voice. "You don't love me anymore?" He says with and angry but you could see the hurt in his eyes.

"I mean I do but, not like before. It's just not working I'm 20 now and I want to be free and happy with someone that doesn't hit me"

It's silent for a while and then kelton broke the silence.

"Get in the bed and go to sleep"  I shake my head and continue taking my clothes out.

I felt a hand grab my arm tightly and I look to see kelton with an angry face.

"I said, get in the bed, now."

I tried to break free from his grip but he was too strong.

"Still not listening I see" he said

He grabbed my hair tightly and dragged me across the room to our bed and threw me on it. 

"Why do you have to be so fucking difficult" he said while switching off the light and crawling into bed.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "good night sweetheart" and that night.  I cried myself asleep once again.  I just can't do this anymore.

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