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A longer chapter than usual wow 😳

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A longer chapter than usual wow 😳



Quickly staring at each other, both Jungkook and Jin stare at each other in shock.

Before both males could even talk a new voice has spoken up causing the entire café to stare at them, some even recording

"What do you mean soulmate" a disconsolate Grace spoke, staring straight at Jungkook

Quickly turning to her, he could see the pain and terror in her eyes as big fat tears began to roll down her cheek and down to her chin. , her lips shaking slightly.

"I thought you didn't have a soulmate" she whimpered, her aquiver form being quite noticeable to both males

"I don't! But-"

"Then why? Why did you say soulmate when you saw her?" She spoke softly as she stared at him in confusion her eyes turning red from the tears that wouldn't stop moving

"Because she was my soulmate" he spoke making some gasp and others glare

Around the café it was silent but slowly began to come back to life as they all mumbled to each other.

"So you're her original soulmate, you're the guy who rejected her, and left her there to die in that alleyway" Jin spoke causing Jungkook to stop staring at Grace and look up at him

"How? How do you-"

"How do I know? I know because she made a song about it! That's the one playing! Just listen!"

"It took all the strength I had not to fall apart
Kept trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart
And I spent oh-so many nights just feeling sorry for myself
I used to cry" the screen that captured your voice didn't do you justice and Jin knew, he knew how lovely your voice was in person

"You hurt her, you hurt MY soulmate"

"I didn't know the consequences! I would've never rejected her if I knew-" he was cut off by Jin sending a punch towards him, hitting him straight in the jaw

Causing the café to erupt in screams

"I don't care! But I want you to stop mentioning her! I don't want you to even look at her! I may not have talked to her in person but she is MY soulmate and I won't let her past one hurt her ever again" he angrily spoke and stared at Jungkook with anger

"Jin please! Calm down" Grace ran to Jin trying to calm him down only for him to glare at her making her holt in her place

"Leave" Jin whispered

Grace stared at him with a concern gaze before walking towards Jungkook and trying to help him up only for him to push her hands away

"Leave me alone Grace" he glared at her making her look down

Standing up Jungkook stared at Jin

"Are you really acting like this for some bitch-"

Growling Jin ran to him and sent multiple punches at his face making Jungkook groan out in pain and try to fight back

"Don't you dare talk that way about my soulmate ever again!" Jin screamed punching him harder as the crowd kept screaming, some even leaving while others recorded

"WORLDSTAR" someone yelling in the back

"Stop this! Both of you! Stop" Grace screamed in fear noticing the crazed look Jin's eyes held when ever she caught a glimpse

Two unknown men ran towards them and pulled them apart, holding a struggling and bloodied Jungkook and a bruised Seokjin

"GET OUT OF MY CAFÉ NOW!" Jin screamed trying to set himself free

"It's best if you do buddy" the voice of the man that was holding jungkook spoke

Finally being let go he glared at Jin before stomping away making Grace pack up and run after him.

Breathing heavily Jin stared around the café seeing everyone calming down

"Everyone is to leave this café right now, even the staffs immediately" he stated

Not needing to say anymore everyone began to leave, leaving Jin in his own world as he touched his diamond choker

"I'm so glad I finally know who you are" he smiled making his bruised lips more noticeable


After the award show you won some awards and was smiling the whole time making your manager proud.

Now at the hotel you were staying at, you got out of the shower and were only wrapped in a robe and a towel tightly wrapped around your hair.

Grabbing your phone you laid in your bed, scrolling around twitter you notice that you were trending as well as 'y/n's soulmate" and "y/n's original soulmate' deciding to see what was up you clicked on 'y/n's soulmate' only to see a one minute video being reposted with captions as

- okay but the fact that both of these fine ass men knew each other was such a coincidence
- Y/n's soulmate is fine ngl 😳
- Lmao 😂 the way y/n's soulmate punched her past one still sends-
- Honestly I'm with y/n's soulmate too 🤷‍♀️ like i would fight anyone for my soulmate especially the bitch that hurt them
- Okay but ignoring the fact that her past soulmate was an ass, he's fine 👀

A  confused expression rested on your face before deciding to see the video only to gasp as you saw Jungkook, and my where they not lying when they said they were both fine, seeing how his girlfriend ran up to him to help him made you smile

"At least he's doing well" you chuckled seeing how your actual soulmate kept sending punches towards jungkook

Pausing the video to get a clear view of your  soulmate you couldn't help but smile brightly, there he was and my God how gorgeous he was, that diamond chocker really did look good on him

Deciding to get more info on him you found out where he worked

"Oh god I seem like a stalker" you blushed as you spoke out loud before giggling

Guess I'll have to pay a visit to Kim Seokjin

- Honey
Words - 997

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