Part 2 Act 3

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Sade's POV

I smiled as I watched him breathed in and out. However, my smile faltered. All of a sudden, an uninvited memory spread throughout the corners of my consciousness. Pain gripped my heart. I looked outside. Dark clouds gathered upon the heavens. Thunder rumbled and lightning threatened the peaceful sky.

A fading memory, an everlasting tormenting. I closed my eyes, hoping to blink away the vivid pictures.

She smiled at him as she held his hands. But all of a sudden, a wine glass fell, and the peaceful silence was forever drowned in chaos.—

— "Goodbye..."—

Reality struck me. My past haunted me. What a predicament. Wake up...Sadden. Wake up. I stared at his sleeping face, holding my breath. Dark hair, long lashes, masculine jaws, a perfected and handsome face, firm bodied, ...soft lips...what have you done to me? I gulped as the happiness I previously felt slipped away from me.

My rationality came back. To begin with, my going here was to set the wrong to right, to stay for a while and get divorced. This is wrong. I'm getting too attached. I flinched when I heard him sigh. "Sadden..." He breathed. My heart sunk as my fears ate my mind. This sweetness...I hate it. If one day you wake up and decided to leave me...I'd rather leave first.

To drown in someone's be held in such wild willingly give yourself scary. Unbelievable, how cruel to let me taste such pleasure.

Love is scary.

I thought I knew that best. I thought I was going to stay away from this detestable situation. However, I've been caught. I let down my guard and I've set myself to something painful. A man I'm married to. Spending time with him had made me forget. His laughter, the way he held my gaze, the way he voices my name...I clenched my fist. Stop. Think! I hardly know anything about him. It's only been 4 weeks since we knew each other. When is his birthday? What does he do? When it comes to him...I can't put up a barrier.

I can't manipulate my senses to distrust him and cast suspicion. I want to know more. But the more I know, the more I'm confused. The more I'm confused, the more I know that he's the one. It's frightening. He doesn't know anything about me. He doesn't know anything about what I'll have to sacrifice if I go any further. make me vulnerable.

But still...would you be able to accept me?

I got up and gave him a last glance. Wake up...Sadden. Please don't set up yourself to another traumatic experience. I bit my lip as a flood of bitter memories flashed through my mind.

—"Don't leave me. Don't leave us!!! Alexander! I LOVE YOU!!!"

My mother's voice...I can still hear it. Her pleas that echoed through that December day. The coldness that embraced us, as we were left, abandoned, and discarded. It was the first time I thought that the falling snow were hideous.

I thought I was over this. I thought I had conquered my past. All you did was run away. A voice within my thoughts snarled at me.

Lance's POV

I woke up with a small smile on my face. I reached to my side to hug him but he wasn't there. I blinked as my heart sunk. I looked for him. I called his phone numerous times but he didn't answer. Panic settled in to my stomach. I searched my entire apartment and the whole building. Fears manifested and I roared in obvious ill temper. Not able to think clearly, I thought about the worse case scenario.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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