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Boop. Nothin' to say. Enjoy <3 Boop. Oh yeah almost forgot. Most of you guys said you wanted to see the photo and none of you said you didn't so far so here you go. And don't blame me if you go blind, I warned you.... I don't even think they'd allow this on Wattpad........


Respawn. Click.

I popped back into existence on my bed. Phew that was a close one. I'm so glad I made that rule after an unfortunate lava accident. If I hadn't of done that Ender's egg would be with Herobrine. I wonder what Herobrine planned to do with it. I shrugged and went over to my chest to see if I still had that one book about The End from that witch I had killed a few 'years' back.

Ah ha! Found it! I went back to the index and looked through it. Ender Dragon, Ender Dragon, Ender Dragon. There! Page 6... doo doo doo. Here it is. Hmm... How to kill an Ender Dragon, how to slay one. Here we go. How to hatch an Ender Egg. (I don't know how to hatch one so yeah)

<insert instructions here>

I set the Egg down on the table and did as the instructions said. Oh geez, starting to work up a sweat. Herobrine could pop up any minute.

He's coming. Hurry up.

Sometimes I really love that voice in my head. I watched the egg closely and saw it start to crack. A bright purple light came out of the little cracks in it. A little boy then came out. Not like a baby, but maybe a six or seven year old. He looked exactly like Ender only younger. Way younger.

"E-Ender? that you?"

"Of course it's me, you idiot. Thank goodness you didn't give Herobrine my egg or else this would have gotten a lot worse." I was so shocked when Ender spoke. I expected him to have no memory, considering he had died.

"Well don't be so rude then. I did die to save you."

"Wait, if you died then how did you manage to keep my Egg."

"Save inventory." I smirked cockily at that. Yeah boy, I feel so smart for that.

"No, we have to keep me hidden, because I still haven't gotten my full powers yet." Ender explained. "If Herobrine manages to get ahold of me, let's just say it won't be very good."

I grimaced and nodded. "Well how do we stop him from finding us?" I asked. Ender just shrugged and finished getting all the egg parts out of his hair. You know he's pretty cute for a little kid.

"So how long are you gonna be like... this?" I gestured to all of him.

"Well probably another day or two, maybe more if we're unlucky."

Then I did something I think on my part was pretty stupid. I reached our and pinched Ender's cheek. He immediately shrieked and fell off the table. I burst out laughing as I watched him try to stand back up. He probably couldn't for being in that Egg so long.

I read that the moment the Ender Dragon dies and the Egg is created the Dragon started growing immediately. So it will pop out the moment it is too big for the Egg. So... that's why Ender popped out older then the average child.

I looked down and saw Ender glaring up at me. He was rubbing his cute little cheek. "Sorry," I laughed sheepishly, "couldn't resist." He just continued to glare at me and then huffed. Ender then grabbed one of my chairs and tried climbing up, but he was too short. He was basically sprawled out over the chair with his legs dangling off.

"Need help with that?" I asked. Ender just ignored me with a huff and kept trying to get up on the chair. I groaned and walked over to him, picking him up by the armpits I set him on the chair.

"I could have gotten that by myself, you know."

"I know," I smirked, "I just didn't want to wait all day for you." I then started walking outside.

"Wait! Where are you going?!"

"Just taking a walk, I'll be right back." I should have probably never taken that walk. It started out just fine, just like any normal Minecraft day. Then a cloud went over the sun, casting a light shadow. Immediately the air got cooler and I felt like someone was watching me. I knew what that meant and I started sprinting towards the house, but I never made it.

I fell through an abyss that just magically appeared out of no where. After what felt like hours of falling, I landed on a cold floor. "Steve! How fortunate you joined us! I was just telling Notch that someone had stolen my Ender and I wanted. It. Back." The last part was growled out menacingly and sent shivers down my spine.

I got up slowly because I swear I broke a few ribs during that fall. Notch walked over to me and helped me stand. "Son, is it true that you have the Ender Egg?"

I sighed, "Yes, but Ender gave it to me and told me to keep it away from Herobrine." Notch looked a little relived that I said this.

"Very well. We must respect this Ender's wishes and leave Steve with the Egg. If that's how Ender wanted it then that's how it will be." Notch then grabbed my arm and teleported us back to the surface, but not before we heard a loud roar of anger.

Notch looked over at me and said, "Take care of Ender, my son." He then vanished. Not a split second later Ender came bursting out of the house. He looked slightly older now. About thirteen I would say.

Ender tackled me with a hug. "Where were you? I was so worried. I went outside to check on you because you were out there for what seemed like forever and then you weren't there so I went out looking and then thought better not because Herobrine may get me and..." I put a finger over his mouth to silence him. This was all giving me a headache.

"It's okay Ender. I'm fine. Let's go back inside." I grabbed Ender's hand and led him into the house. I looked though my chest and found some material to make Ender a separate bed.

"Can you leave a light on or something? I'm afraid of the dark." Ender said in a timid voice. I smiled softly at him and lit a redstone torch so it wouldn't be so bright. Ender climbed into bed and shortly after I heard soft snores coming from where he lay. I finally closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Hey peeps, looky here, quick update hehehe. It's the weekend so I thought I'd give you another one since I have nothing to do. And while I was writing this my cat was climbing all over my lap so I may have spelled some stuff wrong or something. Please excuse that. Well I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Peace <3

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