Chapter 2- The Perfect Girl

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Liam's POV

"Hey there."

It was the girl who had sung with me back onstage. She looked so beautiful, and she had an amazing voice.I'm just glad she decided to make the first move, because I was too nervous to talk to her.

"Oh, um, did really well up there, I think you were even better than I was." I stuttered out.

"Thank you, but you were just fantastic up there! I could never compare myself to you!" She said smiling

Did she know who I was? This was a mascqarade ball, and we couldn't reveal our identies until midnight.

"Thanks. Hey do you want to go outside? Its much too crowded in here." I told her.

She nodded.

We walked outside to this beautiful gazebo covered in ivy.

"You know, something in my head is giving me a feeling, a good feeling, about you." I told her

She a very familiar song started to play…

Tale as old as time

True as it can be

Barely even friends

Then somebody bends


"May I have this dance, madam?" I asked her

"Yes, you may." She gave me her hand and we started dancing.

Isa's POV

This guy was amazing. He was an incredible dancer, apart from looking very handsome and having a british accent, and after he said he had a good feeling about me, I had the same feeling for him.

"You're beautiful." He said.

"I'm sorry , but I just have to say that I feel like... like you're the one for me." He said as I totally fell under his spell.

"I-I feel the same way."

We kissed.

And it was so perfect.

Certain as the sun

Rising in the east

Tale as old as time

Song as old as rhyme

Beauty and the beast.

After that we just talked for a while. It was really cold outside and I was shivering a lot!

"Hey , you look like you're really cold. Here, he took out a blanket, I brought my Toy Story blanket just in case, use it." He put it on me.

"You like Toy Story?" I asked

"Oh, um, yeah I do. You probably think that's really childish…"

"No! I love Toy Story!I'm kinda still a child at heart." I told him

The clock suddenly struck. But I really wasn't paying attention until…

"It's time to take of our masks." He said as he took off his mask.

I saw he wasn't any regular guy, this guy was LIAM PAYNE. As in Liam Payne from One Direction! Liam Payne just told me I'm beautiful and kissed me!

"Oh my god, you, you're, you're Liam Payne!" I stuttered out.I looked at my watch."Shit, it's midnight! Damn it, I gotta go."

I couldn't take off my mask,so I started running to Ricky's car and I didn't concentrate on anything but getting to the car.

"Wait!, " he shouted "who are you?"

I couldn't reply , since I had to get to the car,and fast.

As soon as I got into the car, Ricky just started scolding me.

"Hun where you been?I've been waiting in this car for like what, 5 minutes? I told you , midnight sharp!" He screamed at me

"Sorry Ricky, I was just with this guy… Shit! My CDs, they must have fallen somewhere at the ball!And I forgot to give him back his blanket!" I said

"Hold up, hold up… Number one, YOU WERE WITH A GUY? Details later, number two, which CDs? The one with all your fave ones or the demo?" He told me

"Um, yes I was with a guy, and two, um ,both cds actually."

"Ugh, we will deal with the CDs later, but tell me about this guy!" He said excitedly. Ricky loved when I talked about boys, he was a real romantic.

"Later Ricky, I'm too tired now." I told him.

Liam's POV

"Liam!" Niall called "Hey what happened to you? I saw you go out with that girl,where is she?"

"She...she left. All she left were her cds,and she also forgot to give me back my blanket…"



"I gotta find that girl she's… she's the perfect girl, that special someone, the One." I said

"Wow like this girl a lot ,don't ya?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Well don't worry, we're going to find her, even if we have to go all around the world to find her!"

"Thanks Niall, you're a great friend."


OMG U GUYS. I haven't updated in sooo long and i've gotten soo many fans and its made me oh so happy! AAFJAKJFA again im sorry i haven't updated, i've had Model United Nations and math (bleh.) and yeah.. Ahhhh hope u like it! :)

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