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"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our small (well not so small) town of San Clem, in the United Empire of Arica. Though interestingly enough, our empire was not in fact named Arica. It was named the Presidential Empire. We have been trying to rebuild for only the past 1200 years, nope, never mind, only the past 1276 years. For some reason, I always round the number of years down. In 23 years, I will still be saying 1200 years. Sorry, I'm getting off track. I should probably tell you my name, I am Blossom. No last name, lineages disappeared thousands of years ago.

The year is 1492 AR. it has been that many years since His resurrection. We are not supposed to talk about that fateful year; it's in our list of laws.

Our Democracy is really twisted, no paper, yada yada yada, hair lengths, yada yada yada, must choose job by 20, yada yada yada. Hair lengths? Yeah, males hair can't be longer than 2 inches, and females' hair can't be shorter than your shoulders, and can't be longer than 13 inches, or your belly button, whichever one is shorter. Oh ya, and you should try to be married around the age of 19 or 20. I am 19 years old, and still am not married, yet, I am trying to wait 2 more years. Because then it won't be the choosing year. Everyone else would want to be married in choosing year, but I am not like everyone else.

When I walked in, Kero was sitting in his favorite chair, at my house. He was usually there more then I was. He practically begged for a key the second I signed off on my house, the literal second, no joke. He is my best friend and boyfriend.

I, we, are rule breakers, hair to long, secret paper stash. We were some of the only few rule breakers left in the city, they were all, well, gotten rid of. Besides that, we would just want to not be here. In this city, in this empire. But we can't, the borders were to heavily guarded.

We also agree on marriage, neither of us want to be married during choosing year because then we would have to lead and rule the empire. That's not to say that we don't want to get married, we are currently engaged and I love that he understands and is on the same page as me when it comes to marriage.  

A/N: I probably will delete this book unless a lot of people read it.

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