The final goodbye

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I think you all can tell that HTFOMC is going downhill. I don't update anymore, my heart just isn't into it. I started writing this over 2 years ago when everyone was a carrot and no one could write. I've developed my writing style but this plot and story just doesn't go with it. I'm sorry. I'll leave it up for the ones who still want to Re-read it but sadly I think this is it for Frankie, Niall, Caleb, Trisha, Geoff, and Karen. I love you guys and I'm going to try to put out new stories so maybe try and read those? I'm working on a Niall fanfic called "Crazy" and will most likely bring back "Hey Bro...?" and some others I started, so look out for those. I hope you understand. For the final goodbye from Frankie and Niall I thought I'd end the book happily, so here ya go...

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*60 years later*

Everyone in the room cheered as Niall and Frankie blew the candles out on their 50th anniversary cake. The two had been married for 50 years and as they looked around the room, Frankie got teary-eyed thinking about how far they've come.

"Would one of you like to say something to the other?" Natasha, one of their grandkids, asked into a mic. Niall took it from her, smiling, the twinkle in his eye bright as ever.

"I have a few words to say about me lil Frankie Stein..." Niall grinned, turning and taking Frankie's wrinkled hand.

"I know it took a long time for us to FINALLY get together, almost 15 years, but I think the wait was worth it. I made stupid decisions in the beginning of our relationship that cost me a decade of self-loathing. Do you remember the day I got you back? After years of avoiding me, I found you, like I always do. I stood outside your small house in New York and waited until you had to go outside. The next day you finally did, and it was pouring rain. You stood there looking beautiful as ever, with our kids so tall and gorgeous who were ready for school. When you saw me, I swear I hadn't felt that alive in years. After that you made me the happiest man ever, and we finally got married. You popped out 3 more beautiful children and our world flourished. Thank you for granting me with this life, it was a roller coaster in the beginning, but what I'm trying to say is you're the only thing in my whole world. You're the love of my life, Frankie. When my heart stops beating, I'll still love you. I know this speech is all over the place, but that's how you make me feel, in a good way. You make me the craziest, happiest, lil man I can be. Happy 50th anniversary, I love you"

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Goodbye, I love you guys


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