Chapter 3

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I must be dreaming. This isn't real. It just can't be. Was it really our Army that fired at us? I immediately crouch down low to the ground, then get on my stomach and wiggle under one of the metal benches that sat near the doors. They were once green, but the paint was peeling and there was a lot of rust near the feet. I turn my head so I was facing the field, and realize that I can still be seen, and I notice that my chest is heaving. I look to my right and see a large prickly bush, which oddly I had never bothered to stare at before. My eyes scan the field, and I still hear the gunfire; pop, pop, pop, and they are starting to come less and less. I could also hear men laughing and yelling to each other, but not in English.

"Fawz!" I heard them cheer.

From the brief glimpse I saw of them, they seemed Middle Eastern. I had been watching the news about the rise in Islamic radical groups, but not in the United States. Even our President didn't seem that concerned. With all of our technology and the skill of our federal agencies, they falsely believed they could stop any sort of assault on U.S. soil.

I look back at the prickly bush and realize I need to try and hide in there and begin to move myself from underneath the bench. I take a deep breath, and with all my energy I push my body into the bush, screaming out in pain as some of the branches pierce my skin. I keep on pushing, pushing. Go Kokia! I say to myself. I have to do this. I do not want to die today. Once deep enough in, I lay there, closing my eyes. Trying to forget that I  am there.

I was in the bush for about twenty minutes when the gunshots seemed to stop suddenly, and then I hear all sorts of moaning and crying. My mind is swirling, trying to comprehend it all. I then notice my backpack lying in front of the bench on the ground, and I know I needed to get it, to get my cell phone and call for help. I need to get to Sepa, to make sure she is OK. She has to be OK.

I lay there for a few minutes, and hear the loud sound of vehicles passing by me at a high rate of speed, then it was quiet. I try to listen for footsteps, but I hear none. The wind is still blowing strong, and I get a little dirt and leaves in my face. I try to move my body in the bush and stretch out my foot to try and snag my backpack. I kick out my leg as far as it can go, but it is just not enough. I can't reach it. I would have to crawl out and get it if I really wanted it. So I sat there, going over all the different scenarios in my head. Should I try to get it? Or should I stay in the bush? But my mind is stuck on thoughts of Sepa and not knowing if something like this was going on at her school as well. I am so scared right now, and I feel like running and staying put all at the same time. My heart is racing so fast that my chest aches. But I need to go get Sepa. I have to. 

I stick my arms out of the bush and grab a hold of some of the dirt and rocks in front of me. I scream silently in my mouth as two of my fingernails break off, and they suddenly felt red and raw as I clawed my way out. I wiggled my body free, and lay there for a few seconds to see if my noise attracted any attention. But again, I do not hear anything. I suddenly wince and look down at my jeans and notice that I have two wounds on my legs that are bleeding and then see a long ragged scratch on my left arm. I continue to crawl, very slowly, military style, reaching under the bench and grabbing my backpack. I look further down the field, but it still appears that the trucks were gone. I slowly pull my backpack closer to me and fish out my cell phone from the side pocket. It beeps "low battery," and my heart sinks. Unfortunately the high school was so old that it wasn't equipped with wireless chargers in the wall like most places.

I try to dial Dad's number, but there is no reception. I then realized that I needed to get to a TerraView. I don't have one, but Lolly does. The hologram of the TerraView might just work.

I crawl back over by the school doors. Were the intruders inside the school? I just didn't know. I didn't know what to do! And I didn't understand what was happening.

All of a sudden I hear someone yell faintly "Kokia," and I turn my head around. It sounded like Lolly, and I was feeling relief that she was still OK. I gather up all my strength and start crawling on all fours, low to the ground, until I reach the field, then stop and carefully look to my right and left. The wind is still blowing and a sudden large wind gust blew through my hair, making it whip up behind me. My gaze goes back to the field, and I find it strange that I don't see anyone standing up or walking. My nose flares, and I immediately get the smell of blood and sweat mixed together, and it makes me dry heave in my mouth.

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