Chapter 1

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Warning: Cussing and things? slight N word


Jaylyn: everybody READY!!

Everyone: YUP

SabrinA: As long as theirs murderous Clowns  masked men and  I can smoke cigs in peace without my stupid mom harassing me every three seconds

Demi: Ya'll fuckers know we could get killed if they are real right?

Jaylyn: Demi my friend its in our name if we die WE DIE SATIFIED


Shane: Ima bring some diapers for Damari because we all know hes gonna piss himself

Damari: NO IM NOT IM LIKE 13

Kiki: I just took 32 shots an im still alive :) 

Jaylyn: DS or Nintendo switch

Christina: How about neither

Jaylyn: Oki switch it be then

sabrina: Ima buy some cigs for the trip


Sabrina: mk and I care because?

zahara: Ok meet at jaylyns house at 11:00

Christina: why tho?


Chistina: ok ok calm your dick no need to yell oh wait I think I see it more as a clit seeing how Fuckin short it is.

neima: well I have the easiest job and its to sit and just watch footage hehehehehehehe


Everyone: YE

Demi: ima bring meh knife >:<

everybody: NO!


Three hours later the team met up in Jaylyn's backyard  the breeze was cool and refreshing due to the fact the summer days were so hot you could wear you could hear the sidewalk crying out in agony. The tall dark woods loomed over them looking intimidating as if to say "Your fucking up by even glancing at me".  "It-its pretty dark in there" Damari whispered but loud enough for Jaylyn to hear who gave him a somewhat comforting pat on the shoulder." Look on the bright side squirt its like a video game" He freaked out even more in video gams you can start again but this was real life we had one chance. Damari didn't want to seem rude so he just nodded  mumbled an ok. 

      "WELP YA'LL NIGGAS READY TO DIE" Demi cheered sarcastically. shewore an oversized hoodie, black leggings and  regular converse. "I don't want to die" Damari whimpered "Damari we're risking our lives for this shit ya know so don't be a pussy and back out now" Sabrina replied scrolling through her pinterest.  She sported a black crop top hoodie black ripped jeans  and skull earings hung from her ears for her makeup she sported black eyeshadow and black lipstick her eyes were dark almost red and she had long black hair quite the emo style. "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!" Zahara chanted  she wore a black crop top and black leggings her shoes were sparkly due to the fact that the previous summer Jaylyn was redesigning them, messed up and then they fell in the glitter but since the looked wearable she still wears them even though at the end of the day when she takes them off her socks and feet have glitter all over them. Shane mumbled something  inaudiable about Zahara or about something, he was the camera man one man among all these girls when he could be playing minecraft and roblox like a boss he wore a plain black hoodie  jeans and had he camera on his shoulder ready to film the group's expedition. "IS YA'LL READY FOR AN ADVENTURE" Jaylyn shouted to get everyone's attention. Tis smol one or sorta director wore a short white turtleneck dress with two black stripes one across her waist and one across her chest she wore knee length black and white striped socks and her white flip flops called chancla's which some of the group had experiences with it that.....didn't end well. Her white fading black braids blew in the nighttime wind, She slightly adjusted her glasses and turned off her console, stuffed it in her tote bag and pulled out a notepad and pencil and her phone 

"Is everyone ready?" Jaylyn asked.

 A mixed reaction of mhmms and yes's and oks were heard as everyone slung theirs back on their backs and started to the woods 


"OH MY FUCKING GOD ITS BEEN THREE HOURS NO SIGHTINGS OF ANYTHING AND IM SO FUCKIN HUNGRY!" Demi complained. It had been indeed it was now 1:30 the crew took about 6 breaks and they were getting tired as the leaves and branches crunched under their feet the moon lit the path in the dark, creepy forest the peaceful yet loud silence was suddenly interrupted. "Hey kids look over there" Lyndabel said pointing to a tree. There was something white on it blowing with the cool calm breeze. Jaylyn slowly walked over to it and pulled it off and walked back to the group Shane angled his camera to clearly see the photo. "ALWAYS WATCHING, NO EYES" Jaylyn read. "Oh its probably some other teens pulling a prank" Christina suggested. "or it could be tall hentai rape squid so lets keep following them" Jaylyn signaled to another paper hung on a tree in the distance. "Jaylyn I swear to God your gonna lead us straight to death" Demi retorted "I'll put this in our proof folder" Sabrina said taking the paper taking a pic of it and putting it in a yellow envelope "Alrightie gang lets keep movin"

           Timeskip brought to you by Christina doing the Pennywise dance hehehehehehehhehehehhhehe

"Its been like a little while since we picked up the last paper and we might be lost Oofers and theres nothin here beside-" ." Look Hoes a house!" Lyndabel Cheered pointing to a little aged mansion slowly Jaylyn and Lyndabel crept up the stairs onto the front porch Jaylyn slightly turned the knob "its open" Jaylyn awed "that's weird" Damari said "No shit sherlock"Christina retorted. "don't tell me your actually going in there" Demi and Shane jinxed.  "yea they're gonna because that's our job dumbasses", Kiki said "ok on three, One, two-"

Jaylyn swings the door open hard and "oh shit...."



There ya go first actual chapter if you don't like it that's fine..this was made out of fun and friendship so ye chapter two coming soon so thanks for reading aren't we just a bunch of dumbass teenagers like who goes into the fuckin woods follows paper and with cameras but I guess since theirs like 9 or 8 of us so yeah um byeeeeeeeee


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