The Prologue

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The Earth has fallen into "Great Panic". The world was overrun by a plague that turned it's victims into the walking dead. They were the worse enemy humanity has ever faced. They couldn't easily be defeated with traditional methods. Bombs didn't work the way they were supposed to, and you couldn't make the enemy fear you. The people were thrown into near extinction. As a last resort, Humanity set to space.

-Marshall II Space Shuttle-

Joseph: Alright folks, We're settin' sail for the stars.

Crew: Woooo 

Joseph: That's what I like to hear.

Ship Computer: Zack presence detected in ship.

Zack. It was what the called the zombies, as well as Z. Z presence was never a good thing. Especially in packed area. It spread quicker then.

Joseph: shit, I don't like to hear that. EVACUATE THE AREAS WITH Z!

Micheal: Sir they've infected everywhere except here, and the escape pods.

Joseph: Well get to the pods then!

Micheal: What about you sir? I can't leave my best friend behind.

Joseph: Cpt goes down with the ship.

Micheal: As you wish.

Micheal ran to the escape pods but the Z burst in as soon as he was behind the door. The crew kept on fighting but were eventually overwhelmed and infected or eaten. Micheal was stuck in the pod. Then, an accidental space jump occurred and crashed the ship into a planet. Only the engines were damaged and the rest was sealed. Micheal pulled the escape pod hatch so it would shoot him out. It did but the fuel was insufficient and he just dropped next to the ship.

-In Beacon- 

Ozpin: A spaceship? How? It's interesting how the pod just fell off.

Glynda: Should I send someone to retrieve it.

Ozpin: That would be preferable.


Micheal had inspected every inch of the outside of the ship for any possible exit for zombies. He couldn't find any, even when he double checked. He eventually heard footsteps behind him. He turned around gun in hand and aimed. He thought there were Z in the area. There weren't.Just four girls standing there looking at him.

Micheal: No Z? Good. 'He fell to his knees and just layed down on the ground cause he hadn't been able to relax in several years.'

Weiss: What are Z?

Micheal: If you don't know, you've saved yourself from a lot of pain and paranoia.

Yang: Why? 

Micheal: cause i've seen them kill thousands of soldiers that had tanks, bombs, jets, and guns.

Yang: oh. 

Micheal: If they get out of that ship, they will end this world. They won't die unless their head is gone. They are the only enemy that can preform Total War where no one rests.

Ruby: Then I guess we just don't enter the ship.

Micheal: Ya. But I fear some military Duechbag is gonna open it up and release, ummm... 144 Z from the ship. If that happens, say goodbye to... wherever we are.

Blake: You mean you're not from here?

Micheal: I came a space ship loaded with zombies.. shit!

Ruby: Z.. Zombies?

Micheal: Fuckin nasty ones too. I have millions of confirmed Z kills so I'd like to talk with whoever is in charge on this planet or the nearest populated area.

Yang: Guess we should bring him to Ozpin.

Micheal: Tell this Ozpin guy to send his best warriors to guard the ship. We can't let anyone get inside.

Weiss: On it but I don't believe there are zombies inside.

Micheal: Go to a window and look for yourself.

Weiss complied and what she saw was the most disturbing thing ever. Human with missing skin, eyes hanging out, missing limbs, and they were clawing at the window.  She screamed, ran, and threw up in a nearby bush. 

Weiss: We can't let anyone open this ship.

Micheal: Good.

They called Ozpin, told him about the Z and Micheal, showed him the Z (which drained all blood from his face), and then he complied with their requests. The 5 of them  got on a bullhead that unloaded 10 experienced Huntresses and Huntsmen from it. They flew to Beacon, and Micheal talked to Ozpin.

Ozpin: Those creatures you showed me, what happened to them?

Micheal: A Z got on board and bit someone, they infected everybody but me. For good measure, check for bites. The infection kills the host, and then reanimated them, making them flesh hungry total killing machines. They don't need rest, they don't need nutrition. Hell! They need their organs, but the brain, that's what gets em. Headshots. That's it.

Ozpin: Now might I ask how fast are these creatures?

Micheal: Maximum speed of a human.

Ozpin: Oh my! Well, how did they kill off people in your world?

Micheal: In a country called China, some kid got bit by something in a lake. The father was never seen again. He came back to his village and bit a few people, it spread from there.

Yang: Wouldn't people address it as a threat!

Micheal: No one questioned it until extinction was at our doorstep.

Yang: Damn.

-At the ship- 

Huntsman: Why are we guarding this peice of junk?

Huntress: Ozpin said that we cannot let anyone open it.

Huntsman2: Why not?

Huntress: dunno.

Huntsman: Well it doesn't look so much of a threat to me 'slaps ship and a door opens' oh shit.

Z start pouring out of the ship. Biting and eating all the Huntsmen and Huntresses. They were easily overwhelmed and they were eaten. They Z started walking around as there was no sign of life. They came across a small village and began the infection, once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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