How it all began

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"Look, we're here" my aunt says while pushing me forward in my wheelchair. We just entered platform 9 and 3/4 and I didn't know where to look. Even though I'm 15 years old, I've never been here before. This will be the first time in my life I will take the train to Hogwarts.

"Wow," I gasp, "I've never imagined it like this". People are walking around, talking and saying goodbye to their families and greeting their friends who they haven't seen for almost 2 months. I started to feel nervous about what is going to happen, I've never left my family for more than a week.

"Miss Smith? Is that you?" a man walks towards me and I look up at him "Yes, that's me". He had a long gray beard and looked down at me through his half moon spectacles. "Nice to meet you, I'm professor Dumbledore. Headmaster of Hogwarts. If you could follow me, than I'll take you to your compartment" he turns around and I grab the wheels of my chair. "Be careful honey," my aunt bows and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "I'll write to you" I hug my aunt back "don't forget to tip the owl".

I start to follow the man who I just personally met after years, and people start looking at me. I'm used to it, stares, but now it feels weird again. "Do I need to help?" Dumbledore asks me when I barely catch up to him, rolling over the stones of the platform. "N-no, I'm used to this professor" I answer but the professor slows down even though I said he shouldn't.

"Here, I'll help you enter your compartment" the professor says and helps me boarding the train. A wooden plank is laid down for me so I can enter the train with my wheelchair smoothly. "Thank you professor" I say when I feel myself being pushed forward by him.

Me and professor Dumbledore have written a lot of letters to each other during the past 4 years. I was at home teaching myself magic, I bought a wand and all the books I needed so I could practice in my room. Sometimes a teacher would come and help me with the more difficult subjects and practical tests. We've seen each other one time, a month before my first year.

I didn't go to school when I was eleven because I was very ill at that time, I couldn't move anything but my head because of a new treatment the healers were testing on me. It was a horrible time, but now I'm fully recovered and got the invitation to come to Hogwarts for the first time.

"Where do you want to sit?" the professor asks when we enter the large compartment. They reserved it for me so I'll have enough space because of the wheelchair. I notice the small table in the middle and the benches on the side of the room "Next to the window will be fine professor". Slowly, he pushes me so I sit at the table and can look out of the window on my right side.

"If you need anything-" "I'll call" I finish his sentence and he gives me a small smile, his eyes twinkling a little. He closes the door of my compartment and I start looking around. Almost everything is made out of wood and it has green accents. I pull the cloak that was covering my legs, away from my lap and drape it over the left side of my wheelchair, now covering the upper half of the big wheel. With a satisfied sigh, I look out of the window and see parents waving up at their children.

I search for my aunt when suddenly, the door of my compartment slams open "HEY! MOONY, PRONGS! WE'VE GOT THE-". With big eyes, I looked shocked at the boy standing in the doorway. He has long hair for a boy, tied in a small ponytail with a few tufts of hair sticking out of it, creating an untidy fringe.

He stops yelling when he notices me and we lock eyes with each other. "MERLIN'S BEARD, REALLY?" another boy comes, running against the first one and notices me as well. He was a little smaller and fatter than the boy with black long hair. "Oh" the boy mutters and at last, 2 other boys stop in the doorway, right behind the first 2.

"What?" One with round glasses looks at me "Are you new here? I haven't seen you before". "Boys, boys" a familiar voice calls and all four heads turn to the headmaster. "Professor, there's someone in the-" the smaller boy starts rambling but the professor holds up his hand to silence him.

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