Chapter 5

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👉👉👉This chapter will have some sexual stuff not so happy stuff but it isn't a smut don't worry I didn't got to that level yet but anyway if your sensitive then please skip this chapter  👈👈👈

(I should really start writing warnings cause I do a lot of teases)

It's been a week now. My bff Helen was taking care of my house. I didn't had much things to do except help Dan get ready to enter his college. He decided he should begin to study. I agree with it.

It was weekend today. I didn't record any livestreams on my twitch for over a month cause of the vid con and everything.

I have my YouTube Chanel and everything but I also have twitch. It's just more fun streaming on twitch then on YouTube.

I look for what game to play. Since on twitch I was a gamer and on YouTube I was an animator. Tho my upload schedule isn't great on YouTube nor on twitch.

I remember a while back that I wanted to play Detroit becomes human but I didn't have any time.................. Nah this Livestream I should just talk to fans and then next Livestream I will play DBH.

I put my headphone on my head and start recording.

"Hey everybody I'm back more tried then ever and welcome to the Livestream." I smiled on the camera.

I continue:"Alright so this Livestream I will talk with you fans. Next Livestream I will play Detroit becomes human so be ready for that. "

I smirked:"Let's begin shall we"

Oddjayalert:how are you

I looked over at the comments and someone asked me how am I so I smiled:"How am I? I'm tired but great. I have one friend who will be going back in college so I was helping him all this weekend"

*time skip*
It was two hours since I started streaming. I yawned since it was 4 in the morning:"*yawn* alright everybody since it's 4am here I'll go to sleep. Have an amazing night/day y/n ouuuuuuuut "

I turned off the Livestream and removed my headphones from my head.

I sighed and smiled. This 'oddjayalert' was here for the entire stream. He asked such nice questions. I wonder who that is?

I turn off my computer and go to bed.

*next morning*
My phone was ringing. I look up to see who it was.........daniel wtf do you need me for now.

I answered (d is for dan)

D:Hey (n/n)
Y:What do you need
D:Well since you reached 1 mil subscription on YouTube the other day how about tonight we go celebrate at the bar.
Y:Fine ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ I just don't drink alcohol
D:That's (;-_-)ノ........ Fine
Y:Ok bye 👋

I turn off my phone. Now what should I do............. Maybe a vlog........... Nah

Maybe I'll just take a walk. Yes.

I exit my house and just began to walk outside.

I look outside and see Simon?! I ran up to him and I hit him in a playful manner:"What up slime"

He asked me:"So um.........I need your help. So there is this person" He whispered me something and I nodded:"Sure, actually tonight I'm going with my friends out but maybe you can go with us" He smiles and as he begins to ran away he yells:"This is going to be amazing"

I sigh and I see my dad is calling me. I go over the nearest bench and I decided to accept the call.

(D-dad, and for you is y)

Yandere Jay x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora