Chapter 1 - Percy

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It had been two months. Two months since the end of the Giant's war.

A week since Leo came back with Calypso. We may have left him in the hospital with our enthusiastic reunion. Oops.

Unfortunately, the gods actually noticed us again. They summoned the seven, Neeks, his boyfriend Will, Pinecone Face, and Reyna to Olympus.

"I hope it's not another quest," I groaned as we got out of the Camp Halfblood van.

"If it is, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth comforted me, "We will either decline or I will be with you for every moment."

I snorted. "We'll decline. Don't kid yourself."

"It's not wise to anger the gods, Percy," Annabeth warned softly, sighing.

I grinned. "Well, when have I ever done the smart thing?"

"Yea," Thalia snickered. "It's his speciality to do something dumb."

"Hey, Pinecone Face!"

"Kelp Head!"

"Tree Girl!"

"Seaweed Brain!"

"Princess Lightning!"

"Water boy!"

"Lightning Girl!"




"Hey! That's Clarisse's nickname for me!"

"Well too bad!"

"SHUT UP!" Piper yelled. Immediately I couldn't talk.

"Much better," Annabeth sighed.

"Are they always like this?" Reyna asked Annabeth.

"Yes!" Thalia and I chorused immediately.

Everyone sighed.

I pushed open the doors to the Empire State Building. The doorman looked up.

"I've been expecting you." He handed us a card. "Make sure no one else's in the elevator."

I nodded. The twelve of us entered. Immediately, Dean Martin music blasted from the elevator pipes.

"VOOOOOOLLAAAAAAAAARRRRREEEE," Leo started yodeling. I snickered, though covered my ears with everyone else.

"Leo... maybe..." Calypso started. She was the only one who could get him to behave semi-decently.


"Stop singing, Leo," Piper said sternly. Leo quieted down, thanks to Piper's charmspeak.

It took a couple more minutes before I decided it was safe to uncover my ears.

Thankfully, the elevator dinged, and we arrived on Olympus. It looked stunning, just like my girlfriend. In fact, Wise Girl is more beautiful than Olympus.

All of the nymphs, satyrs, and minor gods bowed their heads in respect as we strode along the path, which was slightly unsettling.

The gods never bow. Never. Unless Zeus demanded it.

I noticed Nico and Will walking awfully close together.

Annabeth followed my line of sight and hissed under her breath, "Don't you dare poke fun at him!"

I gave her a little smirk for the fun of it. "Wouldn't dream of it," I said in my mischievous voice.

Annabeth groaned. "You, Seaweed Brain, are worse than the Stoll twins."

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