Part 9

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I turned to my Mum and gave her the biggest hug ever.

"Thank you Mum, I couldn't face having to kick him out myself, he probably would've ended up hitting me again."

"You know I'll always protect you Dianne."

"Um... about that. I've had a text from Joe. You know when I leave school in a couple of weeks... well he's suggested that I go and move in with him, and I could go to college there. I've heard there's a lot of good colleges in London."

"I mean it's completely up to you Dianne, but I would have to meet him first and ask him his side of the story between him and Anthony so that I know he is right for you."

"You really mean it Mum? You would let me move in with Joe?! Thank you so much!" I shouted giving her a huge hug.
"Text him back and tell him to come over later, so I can talk to him."

I grabbed my phone and finally text Joe back.

"Hey Joe, sorry just getting the chance to text back now, it's been a busy morning, I'm not going to school today, I'll tell you why when you come over later today. My mum said you can come over; she wants to meet you before she makes her decision about me moving to London."

I pressed send and started to get dressed. I put make up on but as I suspected, I could still see the bruise.


"Your Mum actually wants to meet me?"

"Yeah she just wants to know what kind of person you are. She's okay with me going to London though."

"Oh, that's great! Why are you not at school what's going on?"

"Just come over at twelve and I'll explain."

I jumped out of bed and got dressed and headed to Dianne's house. I knocked on the door and Dianne answered it.

"Hey Dianne, are you okay?"

"Yeah much better now you're here." She said giving me a hug.

She lead me into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Dianne, what happened to your face? It's bruised."

"Yeah that was Anthony. He came over last night and insisted that I got back together with him, and when I said no, he hit me."

"Oh my god Dianne, I can't believe he did that to you! I wish I had been here I would've killed him."

"Joe, that doesn't make the situation any better, we're trying to convince my Mum and Dad to let me move in with you."

At that moment, Dianne's Mum and Dad came into the room.

"So, this the famous Joe Sugg..." Her Dad said looking me up and down.

"It's very nice to meet you both." I said shaking their hands. I'd never met a girl's parents before, so I felt super awkward.

We sat and talked about my life and what kind of person I was, then Mark and Rina left the room.

"I think they are impressed." Dianne said squeezing my arm.

"Dianne, I've never done this before... what if they don't like me?"

"Shut up they love you; I can tell."

Mark and Rina came back into the living room and stood in front of Dianne and me.

"Dianne... you can go!" They both shouted.

"Oh my God! Are you serious?" Dianne cried out. "Thank you so much guys."

I couldn't believe it; Dianne was going to be moving in with me.

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