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"Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams healing can begin."

― Danielle Bernock, Emerging With Wings: A True Story of Lies, Pain, And The LOVE that Heals

Months Later

"What the fuck did you say, Deku ?! I saw you spinning the bottle with your quirk!"

"I didn't! I'm not a cheater!"

Izuku had totally done it, but Bakugou would thank him for that latter, he was sure of it.

Or maybe not, but he should thank him.

Todoroki stared at the bottle in the centre with concentration, still trying to understand the principle of the game in vain, but participating anyway, because Izuku was there.

"I said playing truth and dare with Bakugou was a bad idea."

Izuku waved his hand toward Jirou for silence, his eyes fixed on Bakugou. It was like challenging a wild animal.

"It's just a kiss, Bakugou. Of course, you can always give up the challenge if it's too much for you."

"Fuck you, Deku! I'm going to kiss the shit hair because I'm not a coward!"

Poor Kirishima just looked around with a flushed expression, trying not to be strangled as Bakugou tugged at his shirt, both of them ignoring Kaminari between the two, who didn't know whether to laugh or runway from there.

Izuku wondered if he was seeing a kiss or a punch between mouths. It was hard to say. Kirishima made a startled sound, but grabbed Bakugou's shirt anyway and pulled him even closer.

The others around shouted in disarray. Izuku ignored his own red face with the scene. If he had known they were so eager he would have cheated on the game before. Maybe Bakugou would be less stressed, God knew he needed something good with all the mess that has happened in his life lately.

He patted himself in the back for it: "Let him never say I'm not a good friend."

Even Kaminari looked red now. Or maybe it was because they were practically on top of him.

"Really? In front of my salad? This is getting very explicit."

"I didn't say you needed to use your tongue, Bakugou."

Bakugou dropped the still dizzy Kirishima on the floor and put his finger on Izuku's face, his voice terribly serious, even with his hair a mess and the red colour of his face at the moment.

"I'm perfect at everything, Deku."

"You shouldn't play this kind of indecent game in the dorms! It goes against everything that should be done in a prestigious place-"

"Oh, mom Iida has arrived, the fun is over."

Mina threw her hands, everyone starting to disperse, apologizing to Iida.

Aizawa appeared at the door, looking around suspiciously, his eyes pausing on Bakugou and Kirishima.

"I don't know what happened before I arrived, but I don't want to know either. Izuku, time to go home."

"Oh no. Don't go!"

"The nerd lives on campus, just across two buildings, stop the fucking drama, round face.

Shoto stood with Izuku without speaking, his hand holding his. Aizawa put his head back on the door and measured him up and down, but said nothing. Shoto was good at ignoring when his guardian showed his distaste for their 'excessive attachment' on occasion.

Schrödinger's catOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora