First day of Freshman year

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a newly transferred student a student that didn't really think about school a lot but it was mostly about making friends. Friends that would be there for her

Hi, I'm Gabriela and my highschool experience is kinda crazy...

October 13 first week of the second semester of freshman year I was nervous so nervous that I kept moving my legs like I was mad I kept seeing kids running around the hallways and kids giving papers to the main office, these strange white papers that said attendance. I didn't know what to do where to look or what to say I kept hearing radios and teachers laugh with the security guards.

( 5 minutes later)

the bell just rang and students had to change to their 4th period after having lunch which for freshman is more like a brunch(breakfast and lunch) I look outside the window and there were so many students I did not know what to do everyone had friends and I did not know if I was going to make friends the first day I didn't know if I was just going to be the quiet girl in the back of the class but yet again I did not really care.

(20 minutes later )

got my picture taken for my school ID which I had to scan every day to go inside the school and if I lost it I had to pay 5 bucks to get new or if I forgot it I had to get a temporary ID which it was a dollar that was added to your school fees. Halfway into 4th-period security is walking me to class with my new schedule asking me if I was nervous and of course I said not really but I was really nervous.
as I walked into class going to my new teacher people kept looking at me she pointed me where to sit I sat there and this girl called Estrella called me over to sit with her, her boyfriend and her friends all the way at the back of the class. she asked me where was I from and I told her that I was from Puerto Rico turns out she was from Puerto Rico too. Her boyfriend Manuel was talking to his friends in the back then he said "esooo de Puerto Rico de que parte (what part of Puerto Rico are you from) I told him from penuelas which is all the way at the south side of Puerto Rico he said where he was and then his friends started talking.

(the bell rings )

I get my bookbag and Estrella asks for my schedule and then everyone checks it out as they have never had a schedule before, I have some classes with you Estrella says and Manuel agrees to say that next period I can sit with them because we have the same class. his friend Josef said I had 7th period with him and his crush Jessica said I have 6th with her everyone left and I followed Estrella and Manuel to the class because well I had that class with them.

(5 minutes )
Manuel greets his best friend Michael and sits in front of Manuel as I sit in front of Estrella having him right next to me. Manuel and Michael are goofy they are always finding a way of making their friends laugh they always have a specific meme or a specific youtube that they always had videos to laugh because he would post every day and they would always make fun or use his vocabulary to describe something.

But this day has not ended this is not the end. My new circle and new friends that became part of my family has just started but who will stay? who will leave? and who is real?...

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