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Name: Dezmond Crystalith

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Name: Dezmond Crystalith

Dez is a straight, 6'1", brown skinned human male (but you wouldn't have known that if I didn't state that fact). He's quite a lanky guy, short afro hair with a light sounding British accent, being stronger than he seems and is rearly seen without his crystal illusion helm.

》known for his mastery in Crystal Manipulation and knowledge aswell as use of basic magic arts

》not much of a talker, but doesn't stray from helping others (sometimes) and making acquaintances. He's got a short temper tho and dislikes people with over confidence and cockiness

》favorite color, you guessed it! Obsidian Black and despises green "not a creative color, buddy" he says

》a kind soul and logical thinker, being very observant and calling out things that appear to be 'off' immediately, but quite a greedy fellow, taking, then having to be told about sharing before considering sharing

》Not much of a weapon user aside from his staff (he's able to summon objects but it does drain him a bunch), but did train with some weaponry (mainly crystal related tho):
[Designed by Dez, created by Neo]

》Not much of a weapon user aside from his staff (he's able to summon objects but it does drain him a bunch), but did train with some weaponry (mainly crystal related tho):[Designed by Dez, created by Neo]

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》fun fact《
Has a siamese cat named Mino

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