『︎︎ Chapter Six 』︎

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◌︎〣︎𝘎𝘪𝘺𝘶𝘶'𝘴 𝘗𝘖𝘝 〣︎◌︎

「︎ ❝︎ I didn't know what I was doing but out of nowhere I started placing the rock against my cheek and rubbing it so slightly. It felt rough. But I didn't mind. A smile started appearing on my face as I enjoyed the feeing. My face started  filling itself with red once I thought back on what I just did. I put the rock back in its place as I tried to hide my reddened cheeks. The rock lay motionless not saying anything. Maybe it was still in shock because of my previous actions. Or maybe because it was a rock. ❞︎ 」︎

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