First day meeting

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It was your first day at U.A. you live in a rich and well known family. Your quirk will be bubbles ( it will be explained later in the story)

Y/n wake up!!! Your mom shouted. "Your going to be late for your first day!!! You quickly got up and got dressed.

On your way to school you bump into someone. Oof. She says. I'm so sorry!!! It was an accident!!! You say. It was your first day and you where all ready embarrassing your self!
It's fine. She says while walking away. She had purple hair and it looked like earbuds on her ears.
You walk into the class and sit in your seat. Right next to you was the purple haired girl.
Oh no she's in my class?! You say to yourself. "This is going to be a embarrassing year".

On the other side next to you was a nice student named kirishima. He invited you to sit at lunch with him and his friends later. You said yes because why not?

It comes time for lunch and you sit at a table with kirishima and his friends.(bakugo mina sero)While they are talking, you get distracted and start looking at the girl with purple hair. She is sitting next to someone that has a black ponytail. She catches you looking at her and walks over.

H-hello. You say. Hello I noticed you kept staring at me. She says. "Anyways I'm jirou"
Oh, my name is y/n! You say. Welp cya soon. She says while walking away.

You blush a little bit while she walks away. You here some laughs behind you. OoooOoO y/n's gots a crush!!! Kirishima and Mina say. D-do not!!! You stutter back.

You where right, this was going to be a long year

Sorry for the short chapter

Jirou x male readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon