I'm pregnant...

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I nodded and I wanted to tell Nira where I'm going but too late, he already put his hand on his waist and pull me to the second floor and also whisper sweet things in my ear, giggling at all his sweet words. When we reach the room, after entering and lock the door, he pick me up and I coil my legs on his waist, kissing each other gently, sweetly and hungrily. We were moaning and groaning each other name and once in a while I will hear him growl but I was too devoted in making love and moaning his name so I don't care.(so you know what happen...which I'm not good at explaining them. :) )

The morning arrive, the sunshine brightly into the room and slowly, I wake up thanks to the light but I did not open my eye and I felt a little bit of warm beside so I open to see who is it and when I did, I almost scream but before I can let the scream out I cover my mouth. I look at Sebastian, thankfully I still remember his name and we both were naked and I remember what happen yesterday, I guess I was overly shocked to stay anymore so I quickly but quietly wear my dress and careful when out of the room. Lucky, he did not wake up for all the movement I make. Once out of the room, I check my phone and saw 16 miss calls and 27 messages and they were from Nira. I mentally slap myself because I forget to tell her, I quick call her back and went down to see if my car is still there and its still there! Well of course is still there. When Nira answer her phone, she was screaming and shouting at me, asking me where I go last night, I told her I will tell her when I reach home and I ended the call, I bet she's piss off now, since I end her call first.

After I open the door of my apartment, I saw Nira sitting on the sofa in the living room, staring at me, asking me where I go last night. I told her everything, how I meet Sebastian, but I never explain how we make love well I'm too shy talk about those things.

"Are you serious? You give your virginity to that Sebastian but not Shawn? No matter how he begged you, you wont give it to him and now you give it to Sebastian, wow."

"I was drunk, well very drunk so...so....you know..."

"Yes, I know you're too drunk to notice care about who you give it too...but you guys did use protection rite?" she ask.

I thought for awhile and I look at her with a shock face," I-I don't know...I don't think we did use any protection..."

"Lauren, you're so dead, we haven't even finish our final year and you maybe pregnant...gosh...you're so dead!"

"Nira, I might not be pregnant, okay? I just hope so..." I say the last few words softly but I'm sure she hear it.

"Okay, I will finish my project first then I will make lunch in half another hour time, so go take a shower and probable take a nap too." she say while walking back to her room.


Nira's POV

-2 week passes by-

"Lau ,take this!" I said while throwing it.

"What is t- what pregnancy test? why would I need this?" Lauren asked.

"Well of course to check if you're pregnant or not, if not for who? Me?" I laughs.

For the past 2 week, she have been vomiting, well dry vomiting and also fever, and I also google what syndrome will a pregnant lady would have and they did not mention any fever so I doubt she pregnant but just to make sure you know.

"Okay." she say while walking into the bathroom.

Lauren's POV

After I finish peeing into it, wash my hands and walk out the bathroom.

"So? Pregnant or not?" she  asked while leaning off the wall and walk to my bed.

"Still have to wait for awhile.....ummm what...what if I'm really pregnant what should I do? Look for the father? Abort it? I can't take care of the child since I'm still studying......what will others think...?"

"You don't have to worry first, check the result then worry okay?"

"Okay" i said while she hug me.

"Lau, did you wash your hands just now?" she  ask.

"Well...let me think....umm...I think I haven't...."

"You haven't....gosh you have your pee all over me...yucks..."

"Don't worry I did wash my hands...you dumb dumb!" I say while laughing.

"Good, if not I will have to wash myself at least 5 times..." she whisper but I can still hear her.

After a moment of comfortable silence....

"OOH MY GOSH!NI-NIRA!WHAT AM I GOING TO D-DO....?I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!" she cried while choking as she not breathing properly.

"Okay girl I know you are and you need to chill...if not you will have a panic attack...and it might harm the baby, so breath...breath okay?" she said.

"Okay...breath...breath..." after a few intake, she started to breath properly and she look at me...


Hiiiii...hope you guys like this! Sorry for the late chapter,well i have to spend time with my cousin and sister.

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