Untitled Chappy

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I was waiting till Maddie came back with the 6 new recruits

Before Maddie left she handed me their resume

First are the two front desk

Position: front desk
Name: Andrew
Color of suit: Green
Personality: Nice and kinda edgy but and has a great sense of humor
Looks: has Green and blue hair that is usually spiky with wolf ears and dragon wings behind his back
Extra detail: his dragon wings or like his hair and his ears would change color depending on how he feels

Position: front desk
Name: Alesha
Color of suit: Black & pink Personality: she might looks cold and shy the first time you see her, but come and say only a "Hi" and she'll become a super nice and cheery person. She's always worried about what others think of her.
Look: a black haired girl with black hair, black eyes and a pair of black glasses(not sunglasses). Her hair is straight and she has bangs.

Room Service:

Position: Room service girl
Name: Mya
Color of suit: yellow
Personality: fun and bubbly girl with an optimistic mindset
Looks: long brown hair that is usually tied in a bun, a curvy body, and eyes that look broken Extra detail: wolf ears and wolf tail that are brown to match her hair

Position: Room Service Girl
Name: Heather C
olour of suit: black
Personality: Pretty nice and caring once you get to know her, she's deep and depressed. Sometimes, if you piss her off enough. She let's go of all of her emotions and turn cold (maybe even harsh). Pessimistic mindset. Looks: Dark red hair that's fades to black (usually not tied), a curvy body and eyes that's possessed and she can pierce your soul with her eyes if she wanted to (the pupils are pentagrams that is red coloured, and the eyes in general is just black) Extra detail: she is possessed so she has a dark side, the dark side is activated when she feels like she is in danger or any of her loved ones are in danaer. also when she's super pissed.danger, also when she's super pissed. 
Dark side: Her dark side allows her to sprout out black angel wings (she was an angel before, but messed with devil magic) and a very broken halo (the halo has red blood trailing down) Dark side looks: her looks are slightly altered, her hair turns blood red and her eyes turn blood red too, the pupils change to the darkest black. One of her eyes have black lines coming out of it. Dark side's weapon: Scythe that has a bloody skull on top and the handle is black with little cracks Personality: cold, harsh, emotionless and destructive

Service boys:

Position: service boy
Name:Minty Mocha
Personalities: A mix of cups And mugs.
Looks: he has green hair and is also a cup

Position:service boy
Color of suit : purple
Personality: I bit like cuphead loves joke around ,a bit of a pervert
Looks: has Brown hair, and blue eyes
Extra detail : He's a Demon has blacks horns and tail

Hmmmm well ok i guess i should start seperating them

So in the day shift Fixly's group will be 6:00am to 12:00pm so Andrew, Mya and Minty will be at 12:00pm to 6:00pm and my group will be at 6:00pm to 12:00am and Alesha, Heather and Eric will have 12:00am to 6:00 am well i think that's all

Just then Maddie came in with the new recruits

They all said their greetings

Y/N: ok so Andrew Mya and Minty you guys will have the shift after Fixly which will be at 12:00 am to 6:00 pm and then my group takes over and Alesha, Heather and Eric you guys will take the shift after mine which at 12:00am to 6:00am ok you will all start tomorrow you are dismissed

They all said goodbye but that Eric guy winked before he left but I didn't mind i mean i am HOT hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahehehehe ok I'll go

To Be Continued

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