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Previously at Fairview High... Nick revealed his birthday wish at his birthday bash when he asked Mocia to be his girlfriend! A bit of chaos then broke out when Melissa zapped Mocia right off the balcony of the house! Then to make matters worse, Patos unintentionally poisoned Rough with just one round of booze.

A few days later, at the school...


At the school, Melissa zaps at Elian in the parking lot.

Melissa: Take that, ya fuggly!

Elian: Excuse me, but just what reason do you have to attack your school nurse?

Melissa: Awe crud! I thought you were Andrew.

Elian: Melissa.

Melissa: That's my name, don't ware it out!

Elian: I believe you have bit of a bullying problem.

Melissa: Tell me about it, those wincles back in Pansieville are always given me crap.

Elian: I meant that you are bullying Andrew.

Melissa: The twerp needs know whose boss around here. This school ain't big enough for a witch AND a warlock. Besides, the guy's a traitor! Doesn't even belong to coven!

Elian: Perhaps he just needs a mentor. I would be happy to take it upon myself to...

Melissa: Oh yeah?! What's he gonna learn how to do from you? Ya gonna teach him how-ta bandage me to death?!

Elian: I believe I could teach him a bit of white magic. That would do him much good in my opinion.

Melissa: Warlocks don't do white magic, ya grandpa! They're nothin' but hoodlums in this day and age.

Elian: Oh, I don't believe Andrew is a hoodlum.

Andrew zaps Melissa.

Melissa: YAH! What was that for! You came out of nowhere!

Andrew: That was for knocking Mocia off of the balcony, you cow!

Melissa: You just knocked me off my broom, ya demented baboon!

Greg joins in.

Greg: Andrew, my man, way to show her how act like a lady! Oh man, I think I'm still hung over from Nick's party.

Melissa: You think that's funny, geRg?! We'll see who has the last laugh!

Greg: Okay but not today. I gotta go. Kirsten and I are gonna have one of those, "oops, I got you pregnant" discussions at some hipster coffee shop where they serve organic baby juice. See ya later! Don't kill each other!

Greg leaves.

Elian: Andrew, Andrew, please! Stop fighting fire with fire. Let me help you to be a white wizard. My elf powers are pure and clean for my intentions are good and noble.

Andrew: You want to teach me how to do white magic? I thought it was the same a black magic.

Melissa: TAH! What an idiot! Did you're drunk, foster dad tell ya that!

Andrew: Shut up!

Elian: Please Andrew, come with me. We can begin today. I shall take you to my home.

Andrew: Right now? But what about school?

Elian: School is over for the day.

Melissa: Fine, take him to you're fat, nasty house! See if I care!

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