GIMA chapter 3 - Zeke's P.O.V

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 Oi! It's Rainy again, here to give you people chapter 3 of GIMA. That's kind of cute isn't it, GIMA? Hehe reminds me of Gimme :D ANYWHO, if it isn't obvious, I'll be doing all of Zeke's POV's, while Bella does Adam. I doubt we'll ever differ, but if we do, eh. ;)

 Sexy beast there, well shit, that's Mark. Shit -.- Why does he have to be sexy? Oh yeah! because Zeke wouldn't date ugly ;) hahaha ogoodness I need to shutup now.

 This song, is so much better this way <333 I wish there was screaming, but I can't have everything I want now can I ;) [Yes I usually put random songs along with my chapters]

 Anywho! I love you guys <333


  Why did he have be so fucking amazing? Sitting here, actually feeding me, not saying a word about the nasty bruise forming on my jaw. I could see his fist at his side balling up, his flesh tight against the bone, as white as paper. But. He wasn't saying anything. He was merely feeding me. Granted the smile that had been in his mind numbingly beautiful eyes was now gone and in its place a cold dead stare gazed back at me, but he wasn't saying anything.

 I could only image how many times he killed Mark in his head however. Maybe thirty by now.

But why? I mean it wasn't like he cared that much for me. Sure, he loved me and all but at the end of the day he went back to his flat.

 Way to twist your thoughts, Zeke, damn you're so happy today.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at my own thought as he stuck another mouthful of the glorious food into my mouth, wondering how I looked in my drunken state.

 Shit I was drunk. I couldn't see five feet behind him, it all all blurry, and every other second I was hiccuping, slurring my words whenever I did talk.

 Why had I downed the whole bottle? Oh right, because Mark had hit me. Why? I have still yet to figure that out.

 I didn't think I really wanted too either. I had tried calling him back after he left and I had stopped crying, trying to get him to answer. I even sent text after text. But he had ignored all of it.

 And after a while it had all gotten to me. The one thing that was good in my life and I went and fucked it up - how? I don't fucking know!

 I broke my promise to him, drinking. I broke it without even thinking twice about it.

I had snuck into Scottie's room and searched under her bed for the stash I knew she had, knowing she couldn't go a day without at least one drink in her system. I had pulled the drink out and walked straight back into the living room, turned the channel to some shitty movie on SyFy - I think it was called Pirana's or some shit like that - and drowned my sorrows away with the drink.

 At first I had only meant to take a few sips, get a little buzz, bask in the warmth as it spread through my blood stream and numbed the throbbing in my face. But. One sip turned to twenty and soon the bottle was completely empty.

 It was amazing how much I could hold without being ill. Purely fantastic.

When he got here I thought, just for a second, a split second, that he was santa clause. I really did. No joke. His black shirt and red skinny jeans had me completely fooled and for a moment I wanted to jump in his lap and tell him what I wanted for Christmas.

 A new xBox.

A car.

Adam wrapped in a bow.

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