Prologue Ava

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"What do you mean we're moving?" I asked, stunned, my eyes flitting from my mom to my dad. "Please tell me that's a joke."
"We mean exactly what we said Avey, we're moving to Oxford. Dad and I got a grant to further our research, it's a great opportunity," my mom replied almost exasperated at having to repeat herself for what had to be the third—or was it the fifth time...
"But New York is hours away and it's one the dirtiest states. Why can't your research work here?" My sister Marlowe chimed in.
I had to peel my eyes away from my parents to look at the idiot standing next to me. "What is wrong with you?" I asked my sister, the exasperation in my voice hard to miss.
"They said we're moving to Oxford like Oxford, New York right, and I would like to know how they want to conduct sterile experiments in such a disgusting environment?" She replied her face straight.
Could she be any blonder? Okay, yeah... so I was the blonde one, but still, how slow was she?
"They're not going to be conducting their research outdoors, smartass, there are things like sterile labs. And we're moving to Oxford, like in England, not New York, dummy!" I snapped at my sister before walking out of the room away from my family.
"Don't be mean," My dad called out, followed by a deep sigh. I was even surprised he'd spoken up since he was permanently distracted. As usual, the man had one eye on his tablet, barely concentrating on everything not related to his work.
It's like parents look for new and exciting ways to torture their children, I mean England? Are they hopped up on pills? I knew I was ranting but honestly, I didn't care. How could they spring this on us out of the blue?
Midway through my mental ramblings, my sister strolled into my room.
"So England..." Marlowe humphed as she took a seat at the edge of my bed.
"England," I repeated. I glanced her way and held her gaze, "Sorry for snapping at you earlier, it's just a lot you know. I'm supposed to be a senior this year and it was supposed to be amazing. I had plans with Kat for spring break," I sighed, "we've been looking forward to this since we started high school."
"Apology accepted." Marlowe flashed a small smile my way.
I stood and moved to sit beside her and rested my head on her shoulder. "I can't believe we are actually moving."
"I know right." Marlowe let out a groan. "England."
"We always wanted to live in Europe..." I pointed out trying to sound upbeat.
"Yeah, when we're like in our twenties, in a cool apartment in Paris or those townhouses we saw the last time we were in London. Not Oxford. Do you know it's a tiny little cathedral town? I bet it doesn't even have a mall!" Marlowe voice went up an octave on the word mall. Of all Oxford's sins that was definitely the worst.
We groaned at the same time and flopped on our backs in bed, our eyes on the ceiling.
"Do you think the parents would let us say here?" Even saying it out loud, I already knew the answer.
"Not on your life," Marlowe snorted.
"I know," I sighed again.
"British boys though," Marlowe said. And I didn't have to look at her to hear the smile in her voice.
"British boys," I repeated.
"British boys, with British accents," Marlowe added.
"British accents are the sexiest," I chimed in.
"Way to look on the bright side girls."
We both sat up when we heard mom's voice. I wasn't sure what the look on my face was, but clearly, it wasn't a happy one. Mom came into my room and took a seat on my bed, and my sister had to scoot closer so we could all fit on my bed.
"Girls, it's Europe... it's going to be an adventure." My mom sounded like one of those people trying to get you to buy a timeshare in Florida.
"It's senior year, Mom," I tried, "Maybe I could move in with Kat."
My mom interrupted me, "Don't even think about it, we are all moving. Together. As a family."
"I am almost eighteen, I'm basically an adult," I said. But the whining tone of my voice probably wasn't helping my case.
"Basically doesn't work in the real world. Your dad and I didn't make this decision lightly. But imagine how amazing a year in the UK will be when you write your college essay. Or you may even decide you want to go to college over there. They have some amazing ones."
"Why do I have to move when it's you and dad that went and got jobs halfway across the world? I'm not moving. I have a life here; everything and everyone I know lives here. I can't move. I won't!"
"Stop acting like a child, Ava. This is happening. You're the older one, you should be setting an example for your younger sister, not acting like a petulant child."
My mom was clearly at the end of her rope.
"Marlowe doesn't want to move either," I snapped. "She's just too nice to say it."
I felt like I was five seconds away from stamping my feet. Which would have made me look even more like the petulant child she accused me of being.
"Well, maybe you need to take a page out of her book young lady." My mom stood, "this isn't some grand conspiracy to ruin your life. This is what's best for the family. This research grant and the jobs as professors at one of the most prestigious universities in the world is best for all of us."
"You mean you and dad, don't you," I muttered, but loud enough so mum could hear me.
"When you're ready to act like a grown up, then we'll talk," my mom sighed. "You could go to Oxford University for free. Do you know how many kids would kill for that?"
"Whatever," I whispered as she left.
"Silent much Mar. Thanks for backing me up asshole, so helpful," I snapped at Marlowe.
"Stop being such a cow Ave," Marlowe sighed and stood, "You're not the only one that's upset about moving."
"So why didn't you say anything to mom?"
"Because that worked out so well for you, didn't it?" Marlowe snorted.
"At least I didn't go all silent because I like being the goody-goody favourite child," I shot back at her.
My sister rolled her eyes and walked towards the door, "Maybe I just know being a brat won't help me get my way."
Ooo! I wanted to throw something at her. I looked around for something, but, well, I like everything in my room... Before I could, she started speaking.
"Look, I get that you're upset and that this year was important to you. but you need to think about how much of your life you've spent thinking about your senior year and how much of mom and dad's life they've spent wanting to fund their research. I know how you feel. I'm pretty sure my brain was in denial and blocking out the idea of moving to a whole other country, and it somehow did it in the stupidest way possible... but what can I say, it is what it is "
I sighed even though I hated to admit it Marlowe was right. I had to think about how much this meant to my parents and try to support them, I guess I just didn't understand why I couldn't support them from Kat's house... from America.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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