How we met

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Joanne was walking home from yet another stressful day at work. She enjoyed helping people but all the paperwork got extremely stressful. She was wearing a white button up blouse with a black business skirt, knee high socks and black heels. She hated dressing all fancy, she'd much rather be wearing her black sky tank top and jeans. But you wear what you got to, to make excellent money. Joanne got so lost in her own thoughts that she completely forgot where she was going. She walked down the narrow alley-way to try and get back. But she ended up in an unfamiliar place, anxiety struck Joanne before she knew what hit her. Night had fallen, so it was dark, it was a lunar eclipse tonight and the sky was ever so beautiful. She came across two men attacking a young boy. The young boy was in tears, he couldn't have been 14 at most. The men were wearing black clothing and masks. "Please sirs,you know I don't have your money, I just wanted to get something that would help my poor mama," the kid pleaded. The men laughed, "Sorry kid,
it's either you pay, or we kill ya mom. So what'll it be?" This infuriated Joanne, she took off one of her heels and through it at one of the men. It hit him right over the head and got his attention. He threw the boy to the ground and picked Joanne up by her collar and slammed her against the concrete house. Joanne groaned in pain as the man laughed. "This little slut ain't so tough after all, Ed!" The second man known to be Ed turned around and laughed as well. "She's real pretty though ain't she, she's got that suit and tie business look too 'er but we all know those types are total freaks." Joanne scowled at the swine in disgust and spit at them. "Feisty ain't ya, yo Ed, take her top off, " The first man snickered. Ed undone the top two buttons of her shirt. Joanne kicked the first man in the crotch and ran off. Whilst running she bumped into a man with Long blond hair, a gold jacket and a black top. "I-i apologize sir, I didn't look where I was going" Joanne apologizes trying to straighten up her top. The man says nothing and continues walking. In the distance she hears men shouting "OH MY GOD YOU'RE A MONSTER!", " THERE'S SO MUCH BLOOD", and "WHAT ARE YOU", followed by screaming.  Joanne walks to the scene and passes out from the blood.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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