Death is the Easy Way Out

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No one knows

what goes on in my mind

and when they do find out

they're unable to save me in time

If I cut you'll say

it doesn't help in any way

but you're not doing anything

while cutting makes the pain go away

You say I'm too young

to be feeling all this pain

but we all live different lives

so nobody's pain is the same

I will cut my wrist

and watch it as it bleeds

while you might starve yourself

and go days without anything to eat

Someone might stand on a building

and jump without any fear

or smile in peoples faces

and actually pretend to care

Some might play their music loud

or scream, maybe cry or shout

but why can't you understand

that death is the easy way out

LIFE, LOVE, SUICIDE  by Dionne MillerWhere stories live. Discover now