SLA <Part 7>

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-That thing bothers you alot that every time Jimin would pass you...he would give a very awkward look and everytime the boys would Tease him....Jimin will show a face as if he hates you.

-Jimin stopped going in the cafeteria and even requested the Teacher to change his partner.

-One day...Tzuyu came to you in the cafeteria ...she had an upset mood "Y/N ....Jimin is so changed..and I very well know why"

"HMM..SO?" You sighed ....she was confused "What y/ don't care? It's all because of hurted him...why couldn't you accept him???"

"That's BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE HIM " your anger fumed out making Tzuyu scared..

She spoke in a warm and light tone "Y/n..listen to me, you are such a good person, I knew it the very moment I met are not a good person if you hurted Jimin"

-You remained silent thinking about didn't speak so Tzuyu sighed and left.

-Meanwhile you thought "Was breaking Jimin's heart a solution.....I should appologize for my behavior! "

-You thought wisely and went to find Jimin but then you stopped wondering....Jimin would definitely ignore you so you got an idea.

-You went to Jimin who was reading, you dropped a note while passing...He looked at it then watched you going while he opened it.

"Please come to the roof"

-He read it and thought for sometime, he then took his bag and ran towards the roof...mean while a girl with ugly hair, face full of acne and with ugly dressed girl took the glimpse of that note and followed Jimin...It means....

She likes Jimin

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