The Nightmare

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I walk down the hall of momo's house because class 1A is having a sleepover here. I here faint moans coming from one of the rooms in her house, it came from one of the end room in the hall I look in the door on the left no-one in here then I look in right door and bakugo and todoroki are giving each other huge scratches on each others back
"b.. BaKugO... W what are you doing w with shoto?"
Deku, babe I can explan. "

I then grab bakugo's arm and hover it over my head and use a lighter I found and activated the nitroglycerine like sweat on bakugo's palm and he killed me right then and there...

I shoot out my seat and realised it was a dream
Bakugo leans over my shoulder and asks what I was dreaming about I tell him that I just fell off a cliff and I saw you try to grab me to save me the rest of the day flys by like a minute but when I got to my home, Bakugo was waiting for me there I let us both in and we sat in my room.
"babe, what was really in the dream I know that cliff thing wasn't it, I love you, you know that right?
" yes and I love you too but I'd rather not say. "
" come on deku please tell me. " he looked really worried for me so I told him and he said.
" what?, that ice hot barsted now way."
"hmmm,but it got me scared." I said back to Him. We then both tried to forget it by playing minecraft on my xbox. After a while, we both felt quite tired we hoped onto my bed and fell asleep really quickly. I had the same dream that I had in class I jolt up faster than before and I just burst into floods of tears and bakugo is up getting ready for school but quickly sits down next to me assuming that I had the same dream as before. My mum bursts in and immediately ask what's wrong but I say its fine me and bakugo then walk to school and I said
"but you do know that if you have the same dream twice that it's gonna come true." but he just said that all the is just nonsense and he is never going to leave me for shoto so I calm down once more and we head into class and we had maths but after at break, Mina and todoroki drag me into the gym asking what's wrong but I don't say anything about it. Bakugo explodes the door off and runs in to stand next to me and tell them to back off but I stop him by tightly squeezing his hand so I tell them and todoroki apologises for what happened but Mina on the other hand, she burst out laughing and I ran out of the gym with bakugo chasing behind me. We both go into the janitors room and start hugging.

I fell a slight push on my groin
"well little bakugo is having fun" I said...

Sorry it was all deku pov next bit will be bakugo pov but I'll only post it if this gets quite a lot of views

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