The reveal

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I just want to give a shoutout to HazbinAngel
Alastor woke up on the couch and noticed he was laying next to angel he laid back down and whisper "I love you" all he got back from angel was snoring. After about an hour angel and Alastor got up. "Angel love I'm going to make breakfast for everyone can you go wake them up." Yea" angel said in a sleepy tone. Angel went up to Charlie's door and knocked "coming" Charlie got up and opened the door "hello angel what do you need?" "Alastor is making breakfast" angel said tired. "Ok I will go let Vaggie know and you go tell nifty and husk" "ok sounds good Charlie." Angel went over to niffty's room and knock on the door "coming" niffty said fully awake and ran Towards the door "yes angel what do you need" she said excited as always. "Alastor is making breakfast for every one" "ok angel" angel then proceeded to head to the the bar and tell husk "Alastor is making breakfast." Husk got up and sat at the dinner table and started to drink cheap booze. Angel walked into the kitchen and toward Alastor "hey Al I will be at the table" angel said giving Alastor a quick peck on the cheek. After everybody sat down at the table Alastor came in with food and placed it in front of everybody. After eating Charlie said "ok everybody tonight we are going to see a movie as a gift to all of you."

They all arrived at the movies Alastor, angel, Charlie, Vaggie, husk, and niffty. Angel and Alastor sat near each other and the others sat in the other seats as the movie started to play angel said quietly to Alastor "I'm just happy to be here with you Al." "I am to dear angel"
MOVIE: jack don't let go.
-near the end of the movie- "Alastor I love you" angel whispered softly "angel I love you to" Alastor said as he started to kiss angel deeply. Vaggie Taped on angels shoulder still looking at the movie and not noticing what angel was doing. "Hey angel can you be quiet" she said as she turned her head to look at angel. Then she saw angel and the.. the RADIO DEMON making out her face went blank as she tried to speak. Then looked at the others and said "look at angel and Alastor" everybody looked over and started to laugh quietly "hey angel and Alastor you got a crowd looking at you" Charlie said trying not to laugh u-um was all they could get out...

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