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Finally! I got all of Al's paperwork done, ugggggghhhhh but his schedule tomorrow is so jam-packed! he has three two hour meetings back to back, on the (random news station)'s for an interview, and a big dinner with (important people's at the time names)'s!! Oh well, at least we can kill more today then we did yesterday, better go get more groceries...

~Time skip of groceries brought to you by everyone's favorite strawberry pimp~

After I got the groceries I set them in Al's kitchen area in his studio, I swear some times this man forgets to make himself breakfast, just after I finished putting everything in the fridge, Al walked in.

"good evening dear! You about ready for our little "mission" for the night?" he said with his never-fading smile

I sigh "let me get dressed first, then I'll be ready"

I walk into the bathroom and got dressed in my clothes that are easier to move in then what I need to wear for work. After I got dressed we both snuck into our target's house.

"man he's got antiques, and you're going to make me steal them once we're done with our deed hm?"

"Darling, you know me to well" he chuckled quietly.

We slowly crept, our target was asleep on the couch

"out cold, this'll be easy" I smirked

We tranquilized him and we did what we usually do, torture the living outta him and then kill him, at least, that's how we thought how it was going to go, but the police showed up, I and Alastor dropped the already dead corpse and ran to the forest.

"dear, if we don't make it, I'll be searching for you in hell!" he said with his enthusiastic smile.

"I'll search for you as well Al"

After that, we both got shot in the head.

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