New Home?

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Third POV

It was about 7 in the morning when Naegi woke up. Still half asleep felt something warm next to him so he instinctively threw it on top of him thinking it was a blanket, but what he didn't expect was the top portion of the blanket to feel soft and squishy. Without thinking he started to squeeze the soft blanket. Still not knowing what was on top of him he buried his face in the soft part only to hear a small yelp, "what was that noise?" He thought. He opened his eyes planning to find the source of the noise but was only meant with skin in his face. "Wait?! If this isn't a blanket" He looked up to see Kirigiri blushing? Then it hit him, he was snuggling into Kirigiri's breast. And what made it worse was while the two were asleep her suit loosened and with Naegi snuggling into her chest exposed her caller bone. Finally comprehending what has happened in the past few minutes he practically teleported away from her then flew up into the air, only to hit the ground with so much force Kirigiri could of sworn she saw it crack.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you. I thought you where a blanket then I started snuggling into your chest without thinking and please don't kill me" He said with his head so far into the floor that you could mistake him for an ostridge.

She couldn't be mad at him, it was her fault this happened after all. If she didn't pull him into a hug this wouldn't have happened and she wouldn't of had her breast fondled then be used as a snuggle buddy, so she only had herself to blame which she knew already. That's why she was blushing, this all happened because she wanted to stay with him.

Kirigiri was one of the best damn detectives in the world, or what's left of it. With that in mind she could almost always think of what the culprit would do next, but Naegi was a special case. She would always think she had him rapped around her finger but then he'd show that she was dead wrong and that it was the other way around, LITERALLY. "Dammit. Just when I think I was the one showing him whose boss he does a complete 180 on me. Well played Naegi, You just keep making me fall harder for you without even realizing it" she thought both with irritation and adoration

"It's fine. It was my fault anyway for getting us into this situation" she said fixing her clothing while trying her best to put up her mask with a blushing face, which Naegi thought was adorable. Not like he was brave enough to say it.

"Oh thank god, I thought for sure you where going to sla- wait a minute you grabbed me on purpose" Naegi was flabbergasted at the realization that she purposely grabbed him and forced him to sleep next to her, not like he was complaining. In fact it was the first night of good rest he's had in a while, not that anyone would know of course.

"Yes, I was tired from walking all day and the ground isn't very warm so I grabbed you for the extra warmth" Kirigiri had to pat herself on the back for the quick thinking. She may be a world class detective but on the case of love she was clueless and that made her prone to wanting to make  irrational choices, this was one of those times

"Oh, well if you were cold you could have just said so. I would have been happy to help"

"Understood. Now then let's get a move on are new home is close" She said going back to her usual stern self

"Ok" Naegi then got up off the floor and held out a hand to Kirigiri to help her up, which she accepted.

The two continued to walk around realizing that the world was indeed in total chaos and it happened all because of there classmate. In a way Naegi always felt slightly responsible for what Junko Enoshima did and how he didn't figure it out sooner. It even got to the point when he broke down infront of Kirigiri and told him how he felt about it, that was one of the first real times she let her mask down. She was so gentle like a mother calming a child down after getting hurt, even though the moment was embarrassing Naegi considered one of his best memories with Kirigiri and that was when or more likely became aware of his feelings towards Kirigiri.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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