Travel with Ace Vision Nepal

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The world's eight highest peak and one of the remote areas of Nepal. Epic views that have to be seen in all their glory. With few visitors encountered along the way this region is a very different experience from a trek in the Everest and Annapurna regions which are generally crowded with trekkers. Manaslu (8,163m) is an opportunity to enjoy a quiet time trekking in pure bliss away from the noisy trappings of a modern world.

Manaslu Circuit trek on an ancient trail along with Nepali culture and hospitality, promises breathtaking views of Mt. Manaslu and other Several Himalayan peaks always on the background. We prepared to witness ancient cultures and almost medieval lifestyle of the people as you trek up north towards the peaks. Modernization and commercialization have not yet touched upon the purity of the local people's lifestyle, so your trek to Manaslu will be akin to time-travel. The trail has tea houses along the way for a night halt, but one could opt for a camping trek and sleep under the stars.

Along this trek has internet access, and phones as well as other electronic devices can be charged at the tea houses along the trail. The trek makes for a great photo opportunity so you will have something to take back home to reminisce. Manaslu shares much of its culture and history with its neighboring territory, Tibet. Buddhism is the major religion here as showcased by the Buddhist monasteries, architecture, and tradition all the way.

Manaslu region, which was officially opened to foreign tourists only in 1991, falls in the Restricted Area zone and tourists must acquire Trekking Permit from the Department of Immigration.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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