Author's note+Chapter 1

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soooo,Impossible is a merome fanfic I wrote a long time ago. This one is going to be better,sadder and longer

hope you like ^^

My name is Mitchell Hughes. Most people,or,all the people I know call me Mitch. I'm a loner. I live alone in my little house. I survive on my own. But it's not like,I have no friends or something. I have my buddy Ryan,but he lives far away so I don't see him that often. I also meet a lot of passing by people who I get along with. Sometimes,I travel to the nearby village and buy some stuff there. So yeah,my life is pretty boring. But I'm okay with it. I mean,I do miss adventure in my life but I'd rather live a boring life,raising chickens than be murdered by an ender dragon.

 Another thing you should know about me is that I'm single. And it's been this way for a long time. I've never had somebody I could call 'love' or 'sweetheart' or something like that. But I'm okay with it. It does get a bit lonely here sometimes and sometimes,I get these short depressions because I'm so alone. But I always end up telling myself that it's okay and that I still have some friends and that it's better to be alone than to fall in any kind of love drama. I'd rather watch cheesy love movies and feel sorry for myself while eating chocolate ice cream than finding out somebody is cheating on me.

The night fog was still lifting off the ground. I shivered. Spring had just begun and the air was still cold,especially where I live. But the sight was still beautiful. Dark sky,lighter at east where the sun lit up red leaves from many maple trees. There were only sheep,half of them sleeping. At this time of the year,elks would be heading to north in groups. Each one traveling at dawn. I haven't caught an elk in years so I gave myself a challenge to try and catch one. Of course,it wasn't that easy. You were lucky if you saw one and a god if you caught one. They were rare,fast and careful. I was sitting on a branch of a maple tree,my eyes traveling from left to right,looking for elks. Then I heard  a rustle from the shadows. I prepared my bow,aiming it at the direction of the sound. My eyes were fixed on were the creature was. Maybe it was a skeleton or a zombie,maybe even a spider. Then the creature appeared again and I didn't wait any longer. My arrow flew and hit the creature in its shoulder. But it wasn't a mob. It was a person.

I climbed off the tree and ran towards him. I'm not going to lie,anybody could easily mistake him for a....mob. He had brown fur all over his body and wore a fancy black outfit. "Sorry," I said.  I don't think I ever have or ever will meet anybody with so calm after being shot. He was already sitting up and pulled the arrow out of his shoulder. "It's okay," he said "you're not the only one who has mistaken me for an animal." 

"What are you?" I asked,as politely as I could. But of course,such question can't be polite,no matter how you put it. He chuckled and then answered:"A bacca." he stood up and offered me his hand. "I'm Jerome by the way," he said happily. I shook his hand. "Mitchell. But you can call me Mitch." Scarlet blood ran down his shoulder but he didn't seem to mind it at all. "Ehm,you're bleeding a lot there? Why don't you come to my house,I can give you a bandage," I offered. "What? No,no. There's really no need to," he said. "No,I shot you. I insist." He took a deep breath. For some reason he seemed uncomfortable with that but in the end,he agreed on it.

"So how come you be so relaxed after being shot?" I asked while searching for anything I could offer him in my chests. I probably shouldn't ask that but this question really bothered me. There was silence for a while and I started to regret asking it. "Oh you know,I'm just manly I guess?" he finally answered. I laughed. "Also is the bandage okay?" I asked,trying to break the awkward silence. "It's a bandage," he said,half joking. "Wow well geez,I'm just trying to be polite and friendly while looking for some food to shut you up," I joked. He laughed. "See that's what I like," he said once he was finished laughing "Honesty." I finally found one cake. "I know it's not your birthday but I have some cake if you want it?" 


While eating we got to know more about each other. He also told me that he was homeless. All not THAT kind of homeless. He lost his home in a fire and was a traveler now. "Uhm,I have some movies,in case you want to watch one?" I suggested. He thought about it,he didn't seem not too happy with the idea. I bit my lip,feeling stupid for asking. "Okay," he smiled "What goodies do you have?"

It was night now. I carried a torch to keep hostile mobs away. "I left my stuff at the place you nearly killed me," Jerome said. "Hey! I didn't mean to!" Jerome laughed quietly.  "Thank you for taking care of me though," he said. "Wait," I stopped him right when he was about to walk away. He looked at me. "Yeah?"

Oh man,how am I going to ask him this? I took a deep breath. Well it's now or never.

"Listen,I know you don't  look too comfortable whenever I ask you to stay longer at my place and I don't know if it's because you don't like me or something like that so you can answer this honestly. You said you were a traveler because you lost your home. I know it's annoying when people pity you,I actually get pitied sometimes myself but I really feel sorry for you dude. And in this time of the year, nights are really damn cold. And I also know that we just met but I was wondering,if you want to live with me?"

He stared at me in shock. The silence was scarring me. Seconds seemed like years. "Can I just,think about it?" he asked slowly. "Yeah,of course." He walked into the darkness then,leaving me alone. I waited for him for so long,I was starting to wonder if my question creped him out too much and if he just left me.  To my relief,I heard footsteps and then saw him. "Yes," he said "I'll live with you."

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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