chapter 1

17 1 1

"OH shit!" i say while looking at my phone

"its 9:45 and the plane leaves in fifteen minutes" ugh! where the hell is amber, if she doesnt get here in 5 minutes im leaving with out her.

"its always amber"

i cant help but laugh at kaileys joke.

"hey, stop woring about amber" i turn around to see kailey and gisele giving me a warm smile

* i exhale louder than im supposed to*

"i think im just tired and kinda hungry, remind me why we chose the earliest flight"

"jajaja, becasue were going sight seeing first annnndddd thats why i brought you a coffee and a bagel"

how are they so energetic?

all passengers leaving to san francisco please get ready to board the plane

"we should start getting in line" i say still a littile bit worried even though im not that hungry anymore

while gisele and kailey started a conversation on an unnown topic i was on my phone scrolling through tumbler, until finally from across the hallway you could here amber scream with the loudest voice


from in back of me, i could her kailey and gisele laughing there ass off and soon i was to.

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