Chapter 2

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The next morning I walked down stairs reading The Fault In Our Stars. I've been reading this ever since it came out.

"She's depressed." Mom whispered to dad like I couldn't hear her.

"She's depressed."

"I'm not depressed!" I said as Alvin Abby and eh Max came down.

"Honey you've been reading the same book for the last two years. If you're depressed than what are you?" Mom asked.

"Worthless and nothing, all you two care about is Abby and Alvin so yes I may look depressed but in not." I told them as a horn came.

"Jakes here." I said grabbing my bag walking out.

"Hey bug." Jake said as I got on the back of his motorcycle.

"Hey." I said as he started driving.

"So what's going on in the life of Chloe Ackerman?" Jake asked.

"Max Asher moved in." I said.

"The snowboarder?" I nod.

"Don't worry snow bug." Jake said as his stopped.

"I'll see you soon alright?" Jake asked as I got off.

"Yeah see you soon." I said running off.

I went straight to my locker to see Max three lockets down.

I held my breathing opening it up to grab my books.

"Hey...Chloe right?" Max asked as I mentally kicked myself.

"No it's Miley Cyrus...Yes it's Chloe." I told him.

"Look I'm sorry about the whole princess thing. I mean if I could be you I wouldn't come back either." Max said as I sighed.

"It's not you it's my parents. Just because I read I'm just depressed." I said grabbing my history text book.

"Are you depressed?" Max asked after a while.

"I don't know." I shut my locker. "I need to get to history." I said.

I was about to walk away but Max stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"With Mrs Whitlock?" He asked.


"I have that too."

He let go of my hand as my stomached turned.

"I'll take you there." I said.

Max smiled as he came beside me as we started to walk.

"By the way, you can call me Lyon." I said as he nodded.

"Alright c'mon Lyon." And with that we walked off.

20 minutes all it took was 20 minutes for me to get in trouble.

"Miss Ackerman, I will not have snippy comments in my class room." I laughed at that.

"Sorry Mrs, why did your husband leave you again?" I asked.

I almost died laughing as her face turned bright red.

"Why can't you be more like your brother?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes than laughed sarcastically at the comment.

"Cause I don't want to die alone?" I said.

"Alright than, if you don't want to do this seriously you can go to the office."

"Thank the Gods!" I cheered getting up.

"Later bitches!" I said walking out.

"Love you too Babe!" Kay my best friend called after me.

I clicked my tongue as students walked by.

Second period was starting which I had gym so I really didn't care if I was late or didn't go.

"Miss Ackerman."

I looked up expecting to see the principle but to see Mr Woods the guidance consoler.

"Hot stuff." I said as he tried not to laugh.

"You'll be coming with me Miss Ackerman." He said.

I rolled my eyes getting up grabbing my bag.

"So." We walked to his office.

"Most kids call me Carter." He said.

"Most people call me Lyon." I said as he nodded.

"Alright Lyon...Step inside." He said opening the door as I stepped in.

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