Fandom Gift Exchange 2019

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So I've done this for a couple years now, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means it's high time I get ready to celebrate Christmas and get all my gifts ready.

I know last year I said I might not do this ever again, but I'm not in school this year, and next year I will probably be on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I really, really want to give this one last go before I leave for the next few years.

Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, or any end-of-the-year-holiday (I know Eid was a while ago and Diwali was around Halloween but) this is my Annual Fandom Gift Exchange, open to all who want to give and receive an extra present for the holidays. 

Some of you are coming from my past three years of Gift Exchanges, but I hope we'll get a lot of new faces this year, so I want to remind everyone who wants to sign up to be respectful of other's fandoms, remember that dropping out is an option if it gets to be too much, and I hope you all will enjoy participating in this exchange as much as I do with hosting it.

Rules will be posted next, with more details. And this year, I will be posting a Google Forms for interested parties to fill out, that way I can keep better track of everyone's responses. I will still DM everyone with their assignments. If you have questions about your assignments, please DM me!

Lizartgurl's Fandom Gift Exchange 2019Where stories live. Discover now