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Please read all the rules before signing up! I want to make sure everyone understands and has fun with this for the holidays.

1. Please submit your intention to be a part of this year's Secret Santa by the third of December. Depending on how many people sign up, the deadline may be extended.

2. Please fill out the Google Form posted in the next part of the book. If you try to comment or DM your submission to me, I will direct you to the form. You will not be counted as a part of this Exchange if you do not fill out the form!

3. You should receive your assignments by December fourth.

4. Gifts should be published/given by December twenty-fifth, but the absolute deadline is the second of January, 2020. Secret Santas will be revealed by December thirtieth.

5. If you must withdraw, you must do so by the seventeeth of December so that I can make something for your former receiver. I understand things come up and I will not be mad if you must withdraw.

6. Your wish list may consist of six or less items, but try to give your Secret Santa some variety of options to choose from.

7. Please keep your gifts and wish list appropriate, no smut or nsfw. We want everyone to enjoy this event and be comfortable in their creations and with the people they interact with.

8. If you have questions on your assignment, ask me and I will relay your questions to the individual you have been assigned to. That makes everything more fun and suspenseful!

9. You are welcome to follow and get to know your assignment through their stories and Wattpad blog before and while making their gifts. I hope to be able to encourage more friendships on here through this event.

10. Length and elaboration of fanfiction and fanart are left up to the Giver and the time that they have. If the Giver wants to do all six items on their given wish list, or one, it is up to them and the time that they have.

11. Please be kind and respectful! If there's a notp or a fandom you dislike on your assignment's wishlist, you don't have to do that one! I will try to keep people from having to deal with certain things they dislike, but my priority is getting everyone something that they want.

12. On that same note, if you celebrate a different holiday than the person you are assigned to, feel free to ask questions! Do research, learn more about this culture and why those holidays are so important to them.

13. And lastly, please have fun! This is not meant to be a burden, and if you need help or are feeling stressed, feel free to reach out. I would love to help you within my means. I am not a bucket you can dump all your issues into, but I am always willing to help.

Lizartgurl's Fandom Gift Exchange 2019Where stories live. Discover now