Neue Freunde

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I got up and showered. Bleary eyed and aching from last nights' work.

I was thankful I had gotten my homework done in class.

I put on the new jeans and the red v-neck shirt I had bought yesterday at Goodwill. That was the only place I could afford new clothes for the measly budget Edith had given me. But I was able to get an long ugly red plastic raincoat and red rubber boots for when it rained.

Like today. It was pouring, battering at the window above the sink as I made breakfast for Edith and myself.

When I finished eating and I brought the meal to Edith. I ducked out before she could yell at me.

I put on the coat and the boots. The coat covered me to my thighs and the boots went up to my knees. I looked like I had walked out of a children's book.

I put up the hood and sloshed outside to my car. Hopping in and starting it up, driving to school slowly because I had never driven in rain before.

I got to school with plenty of time and I got a great spot in the parking lot.

There were a lot of people outside, so I stayed in the car, waiting for the crowd to thin so less people would see me in this ridiculous outfit.

But someone had other plans.

A loud rap sounded at my window and I jumped seeing the grinning Alice smiling at me.

"Come on, Anya!"

I groaned inwardly and opened the door. She had no plans to move from her spot until I got out of my car. I could see it in her mind.

I got out and put up my hood. "There you happy?" I scowled, looking up a lightly at the pixie vampire.

"Not quite yet." She grinned. "After school you're coming shopping, with me."

I raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I want to go shopping? I went shopping last night."

Alice tut-tutted. "Anya, darling. You went to Goodwill. I know you're an orphan, so you probably don't have a lot of nice clothes. I need a shopping buddy, my family won't go with me. Please come? I'll pay for whatever you want."

I felt my body heat up a few degrees. I glared at Alice. "I don't need your charity." I spat, insulted.

"It's not charity." Alice said rolling her eyes. "You'd be doing me a favor. I want to go shopping, but I need someone to shop for. You are a perfect candidate." Alice was bouncing up and down in her mind, she knew I was going to say yes. She knew that when she asked.

I sighed. "Fine, but I'm driving." I started walking away.

"Aww!" Alice whined. "But..."

I stopped and looked back at the annoying pixie. "But what?"

She looked sheepish and embarrassed. Or as embarrassed as a vampire could look. "I kind of already promised Edward could drive us."

"Alice!" I cried. "You're brother doesn't like me! Why would you do that?"

Alice looked confused, and act, pretending she didn't know what I was talking about. "What do you mean?"

I readjusted my backpack on my shoulder. "He glared at me in bio yesterday and didn't say a word to me." It was much worse than that. He wanted to kill me, or at least some part of him did.

Alice waved my accusation off and looped her arm through mine. Pulling me toward the school. "That's silly. Edward was just shy. He'll talk to you today. I'm sure of it." A gleam caught in Alice's eye. "What do you like Edward?"

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