Chapter Five

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We ran into a dead end quickly. "Now what?" I said.
"It's not a dead end. Look, there's three doors, maybe one of them leads to where we're going." she said
I tried one of them. "Locked"
She tried the other. "Same"
"It's no use trying the other" I said
"How do you know?" And she tugged on the door. To my surprise, it opened. 
It, of course, could not be that easy. "Something's wrong about this" 
"So?" Susan walked into the room, and I hesitantly followed
It wasn't too suspicious. It was only a large closet with a circuit board of some type on the wall. 
As we looked, the control panel shot sparks at us. "Ah!" I shrieked as I jumped out of the way.
"That could be useful" Susan said
"A contol panel that shoots sparks. Yeah. Genius"
"No, I mean, it could be a good trap if we time it right. Or something like that"

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