Episode 6: Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through

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Episode 6: Rock and Roll Dreams Come Through


Finally, after a grueling hour-and-a-half of cleaning, the stage looked close to its former glory. The lights would still need replacing, though.

Belle wiped sweat from her tall brow. The work hadn't been too exhausting thanks to her Experimental endurance. However, knowing the mess was her doing, plus having the band's piercing glares on her all the while, made it the most unbearable 90 minutes of her life.

She'd only wanted to sing along. Next time, she wouldn't be so stupid.

It was late. She should head home; Nani would need her wake-up call.

She had barely started down the sidewalk when somebody stepped in front of her. It was the band's beatboxer, Experiment 258, better known by his stage name, Sample.

Belle braced herself for a berating for ruining his show.

"Aloha,'" he signed. "You're number 248, right?"

"Yes," she signed back. "I'm called Belle now."

"Cool. You like music?"

"Yeah. A lot."

"I like your singing," Sample signed with a grin.

Belle glared at him, changing his grin to a look of panic.

"I mean it," he signed urgently. "I wish I could sing like you. All I can do is this."

Using his speakerphone ears, he played the opening riff of Michael Jackson's Beat It. It was only a quick demonstration, but it was enough to make Belle roll her shoulders, wag her tail, and bounce on her clawed feet.

"But that's cool," she signed. "You can take those beats anywhere you go. People like moving to the music you make. Nobody likes getting knocked over by my super-sonic voice."

"Well," Sample signed. "Once you get past that, I think you're a great singer. If I could speak, I'd want to sound like you."

Belle smiled at him. He was blushing, and she realized that she was, too.

"Was there something you wanted to tell me?'" She tried to look more stern. "Or were you about to ask for my autograph?"

"Now that you mention it, that would be nice." Sample grinned even wider. "But I was just on my way to my usual Wednesday hangout. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me?"

"What about your bandmates?"

Sample waved his hand dismissively. "Just me. But this week, I thought it'd be nice to have some company."

Belle shrugged. "I don't know. I don't want to cause any more damage."

Sample shook his head. "You won't have to worry about that. I promise." He held out his hand.

Belle looked at him. She couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible would happen if she went along, whether that be Sample planning some kind of trick or just her own carelessness. But that grin seemed too sincere to be a trickster's grin. And it wasn't every day that she got asked out by a real musician.

She shrugged and took Sample's hand. Five minutes later, they were outside a small pub. There was a banner over the door; Tonight: Lip-Sync Karaoke Contest.

Inside, there was a small island of a stage, with two microphone stands on it, in a sea of noisy patrons. Sample signed greetings to everyone he passed, and they signed back as best as they could.

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