Chapter 2

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You pull into the garage. The whole ride your eyes kept looking at the rear view mirror trying to catch a glimpse of Harry. As you wait for Harry to pull up and park next to you, you fix your hair, making sure it looks perfect. You hop out and start unloadng the groceries. Harry pulls up and parks.

“Hey. Let me give you a hand.” He grabs some groceries and waits for you to lead the way.

“Welcome to my casa.” You say as you unlock the door and head towards the kitchen, Harry following you close behind. You lock the front door and return to the kitchen.

“Nice place you have here Autumn.”

‘Thanks Harry. I try.” You smiled as you prepared to cook.

“Let’s get started.” Harry spoke as he washed his hands. You laughed at his eagerness.

Harry cut the steaks in half, butterfly style, while you filled the insides with three cheeses, mushrooms, and a little bit of onions. You tie both halves of the steaks together with string as Harry begins the mashed potatoes.

After all the steaks were tied you put them in the oven to roast as Harry stirred the sauce he was preparing.

“Autumn, try this sauce babe. Be careful it’s hot.” That was the second time he called you babe and you felt your heart flutter a little. He blew the sauce for you then put the spoon at your lips to taste.

"Oh my god, Harry that’s delicious!” you smile as the taste makes your jaw tingle.

"Thanks.” He was very happy that you enjoyed it.

You start making the tart. mixing the yougurt with the frozen fruit. You pour the contents into the pie crust and cover it. Then shove it in the oven for a few minutes.

Harry checked on the potatoes and started peeling them. You marveled at how confident he was with his actions.

"What are you staring at Autumn?” he asked with a small smile. You blush a bit.

"I was just admiring your skills Harry. Don't let it go to your head.” You both laugh.

"Well they dont call me Chef Styles for nothing.”

"Who calls you that?” you questioned.

"People…..friends…..ok nobody.” You both start laughing again. Being with him was effortless; just so natural.

In no time all of the food was done. The steaks came out beautifully, the potatoes were delicious. and the tart was a great decision for dessert.

"Harry this food is amazing. You did a great job!”

"No we did a great job. I couldn’t have done it without you. We are even now.” He says playfully punching your knee. You both finish your food, complimenting each other the whole time. You walk Harry to the front door.

"Thank you so much for dinner Autumn. It was one of the best meals I’ve ever had.”

"No, thank you Harry. Today has just….really been great.” You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, and you see him smiling.

"What? Is there something on my face?”

"No you just look really cute when you do that.” He starts to lean in closely and you feel the butterflies in your stomach. Your noses touch and his green eyes hold your gaze. You were paralyzed and then your lips met. His hand cups your cheek and your hands grab his neck. The kiss was light yet warming. It was magical. He pulls away, still staring into your eyes.

"Goodnight Autumn.”

"Goodnight Harry. Drive safe.” you whisper. 

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