chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Three Years Later

Three years! It took him three years to master his abilities. He hadn't really used them outside of training as he wasn't sure how his teammates would react to his abilities. He didn't even tell Jiraiya about them. On top of that, he wasn't adept at using his abilities which could result in the failure of the mission or the death of a comrade.

Thanks to Gemini, he has learned a great deal about magic. It helped that Lucy was really knowledgeable about many aspects of magic. Now, Naruto was able to access his magical reserve, which took some time to find because he was used to feeling his chakra. Feeling magic was such a foreign feeling for him, but not an unpleasant one. Thanks to Gemini writing all Lucy knew and giving him some of her objects like the Gale-Force Glasses and the Fleuve d'etoiles, Naruto has become smarter, thanks to the glasses, and he has now become a great fighter. His training to be a celestial spirit mage was coming along great. At first, he was a little afraid to summon any spirits. Loke tried to encourage him to call upon them, but Naruto was too nervous they would reject him. However, Naruto had promised that if he needed their help, he would call them.

So far, he has summoned Aquarius, Scorpio, Virgo, Aries, Caprico, and of course, Gemini and Loke. His relationship with each one had evolved and become stronger the more he interacted with them. Aquarius, for example, treated him like a little brother. At first, Aquarius was harsh with him, but after finding out the life he had, she became a dangerously protective older sister figure. Even Naruto was scared of her when she went into monster protective mode. But, he still loved her all the same and counted her as one of his most powerful spirit.

Scorpio, much like Aquarius, also treated him like a little brother. However, in contrast to Aquarius' overbearing older sister attitude, Scorpio was more like a cool older brother, although, that did not make him any less protective of him. He liked hanging out with Scorpio because he was always mellow and cool to be around.

Virgo was a completely different story altogether. While Naruto appreciated her zealous, yet monotone, personality, he was more or less embarrassed by her idea of humour. Countless times, he almost fainted of humiliation every time she called him master and would ask him to punish her. It took some time before he convinced her to call him boss or Naruto-sama. It was still embarrassing, but at least people wouldn't think he was some kind of pervert, especially with the chains on her wrists.

His relationship with Aries was a comfortable one. She, too, acted like an older sister with him. Unlike Aquarius, she was more of the caring and doting sister and he came to enjoy talking to her about his problems. He was, however, reminded of Hinata's own shyness with Aries. It took him approximately an entire month before she finally stopped saying sumimasen every two seconds. He had heard from Loke and the other spirits about her abusive past and while Lucy had managed to heal some of her emotional wounds, Aries still felt insecure about herself. Naruto's determined and happy personality, as well as his own abusive past, has helped Aries cope with her insecurities and has made her much more confident about herself.

Caprico was what Naruto would consider his true sensei. While Gemini did give him the information he remembered from his transformations as Lucy and Wendy, Caprico was the one to truly teach him, not only about magic, but also combat, meditation and various other circles of knowledge. Naruto truly respected Caprico as his beloved sensei, more so than Kakashi, who dismissed him at every turn or Jiraiya, who focused only on teaching him specific abilities, limiting his knowledge.

Hands down, Gemini could be considered Naruto's favourite spirit. Not that he would ever say it, or mean it in a mean way, but Naruto could relate with Gemini's happy and mischievous attitude. The three of them acted a lot like siblings and Naruto could really enjoy playing pranks with them. He especially liked all the possibilities, both in battle and in pranks, that opened up when Gemini was finally allowed to turn into different people.

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