Blood Red

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It was horrific, devastating even, frightening, upsetting, and quite violent. Screams and sirens, puddles of blood under the bodies, dark grey clouds, lightning striking the ground. Hearts ripped out of the bodies and lying on the ground.

(You're probably wondering what's going on.)

Peridot stared in horror as a blood covered Lapis stood over the body of Garnet - and ripped out her heart. Peridot screamed but no sound came out. She cried but the sound was inaudible.

Then the half creature half human girl turned to Peridot and stalked up to her, she had become even more wolf than before, able to walk quadrupedal and bipedal, her skin tinted red from all the blood she'd spilled from others.

Then as she got closer to Peridot - she could hear ringing in her ears, blocking out all noise, she couldn't even move, then Lapis leapt at Peridot.


Peridot awoke with a start that friday night in a cold sweat, she had the dream of where Lapis lost herself to a pleasure of killing and slaughtered everyone in the school, she turned over and touched Lapis' face, running her fingers through her blue locks, it was hard to imagine her slaughtering over a hundred students right then, she looked so peaceful sleeping there next to Peridot.

Then Lapis started twitching and crying in her sleep, Peridot saw her eyes were glowing green, she began to shake Lapis by the shoulder. "Lazuli? Lazuli? Lazuli wake up! Please wake up!" Lapis startled awake and lunged at Peridot, holding onto her tight around the waist and began to cry. "Lazuli please don't cry... Tell me what's wrong." Peridot said and gently stroked Lapis' blue hair.

Lapis began to sob as she told Peridot about her nightmare, it was exactly like the one Peridot had but from her own perspective. "It was t-terrible! I k-killed everyone... I was d-dating J-" Lapis couldn't even bring herself to say the name on the tip of her tongue, Peridot hugged her. "Don't worry Lazuli... Jasper will never take you away from me. I promise..." Said the blonde to the blunette who had fallen asleep against the blondes' black and green night shirt.

Laying down with Lapis in her arms Peridot fell asleep holding her companion tight - neither having a recount of their nightmares for the rest of that night. Until Saturday morning would come the two would sleep snuggled together.


When Peridot woke up someone was laying on top of her, she was engulfed in a swathe of darkness - but it felt like leather... Lapis' wings! Peridot used a hand to move the leathery, dark grey, bats' wing off her face and put her hand on the blunette's cheek - her cheek had turned blue and she was shivering, Peridot realized Lapis had very few night clothes and that she'd kicked the blankets away while sleeping. "*Sigh* Oh Lapis... You're so silly." Peridot blushed and slowly got up, Lapis then wrapped her wings around herself.

Sometimes I saw my classmate Lazuli as a reserved girl, possibly even a mute, when I first saw her I thought she was spoiled and rich with a silver spoon in her mouth, but when we were paired up in art the first day of school I told her I disliked spoiled girls and the silver spoons in the mouths and their stupid rich parents, but then she told me she was an orphan - since age eight, and I quickly changed my mind about her.

For this was, in fact - no spoiled girl but an orphan since her childhood, I felt more than just pity for her and I cherished every moment with her, every smile, every laugh, every sunset, every class, every call and text, everything was perfect - until the Ammonia and Silver Salt accident... Now here I am, looking at what has become of the girl I've come to love, wrapped up in her own wings for warmth, she's unbelievably adorable and she makes me so happy.

Peridot slowly went to the kitchen of Lapis' odd house, the kitchen and living room were pretty much connected, including a small staircase up to a loft like area with a bed and tv, it made Peridot a bit confused because Lapis had told her that she lived alone, so why on earth did she have two bedrooms? Probably because she wasn't the first person living in the house, it was probably inhabited by a different family before Lapis moved in.

Though however strange the house may be it was still Lapis' home and Peridot had to deal with that - no matter how unsettling it was, no matter how strange, creepy, or odd. Peridot looked at the couch and found that only Garnet, Ruby, and Sapphire were left, Steven had gone to sleep on the loft's bed.

Garnet was sitting between Ruby and Sapphire. "No funny business." She told them softly, pointing to Steven up in the loft, Pearl on the other hand was actually on Steven's other side, watching him sleep. "Yeah totally not creepy at all Pearl..." Mumbled Peridot.


Lapis eventually came down from her room to find Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, and Peridot binge watching Minecraft Diaries without her!  Lapis was not amused. "Are you four seriously kidding me?" Said the blunette, but her hair and eyes weren't the only blue thing about her, parts of her skin had turned blue in some places, mostly above her veins and her shoulders, Peridot fell off the couch. "What happened to you?!" Yelled the blonde. "Not sure what you're on about Peridot bu- HOLY CRAP LAPIS TURNED BLUE!" Ruby yelled, Steven somehow was miraculously still asleep.

Peridot did many tests on Lapis in one of the weird rooms in Lapis' house behind the odd door. "This is the strangest thing I've ever seen, it could be cyanosis, which is a discoloration in skin mind you that occurs from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of blood." Peridot said examining Lapis further, some parts she could not examine were for very personal reasons. "*Sigh* Look Peridot, when I told you I was an orphan from a young age I didn't exactly tell you everything." Lapis said with her head down. "Alright, how about we share our stories? You tell me about your past and I'll tell you about mine." Peridot said smiling, Lapis nodded in agreement.

What else could Lapis possibly be hiding from Peridot? What will we learn about these two? What could possibly go wrong when Lapis tells her story?

Find out in chapter five! 'Flash Of The Past'!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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