mashed potatoes and gravy but IN MY ASS

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"Thanks, Raymond." I said, getting out of the car. He had driven everyone home after we were forcibly removed from the Mall Food Court.  I don't really see why the security guard got so mad. We were just trying to overthrow Trent's gang from their territory of the Orange Julius so we could finally be able to safely get to the Chick-Fil-A. Then, we wouldn't have to settle for the nuggets they sold at the Burger King outlet.

The porch lights were on, and I noticed there was an unrecognizable car out front after I closed the car door. Who the hell would be at my house at 8pm??

I waved goodbye to Raymond as I made my way up my driveway. When I opened the front door, I could hear soft music and the clinking of wine glasses. I heard my parents talking. Slipping off my shoes, I heard a third voice. Did my parents have a co-worker over? What the hell is going on?

"Mom?" I called out, and I saw her head peak out from the hallway to the dining room.

"Yes, Andrew?" She asked, looking a bit unsettled as I removed my jacket.

"Who's here?"

"Oh," she said, thinking, "it's just me and Biff tonight."

"But mom," I said, "I heard another voice."

She looked taken aback, and I could tell that she knew I had found her out.

"Andrew," she pleaded, "just go upstairs and we'll bring up the leftovers. Wouldn't you like that?"

I would, as she said, like that. I haven't played poptropica with my friends in quite some time, and I'm starting to get a little rusty. However- I will NOT  be shut out when there's someone here my own mother doesn't want me to see the identity of.

"Andrew!" She called out in fear as I pushed past her towards the dining room.

What I saw there made my blood boil.

TRENT MATTINGLY was currently sitting in my designated chair. He and BIFF were talking, and having a GOOD TIME!! What the fuck.

"What the FUCK is this?!" I screamed, and both Trent Mattingly and Biff turned to look at me, neither of their faces impressed. Biff sighed, and Trent Mattingly had the NERVE, the utter NERVE, to roll his eyes at me. In MY chair!

My mom entered the room, a guilty look on her face. Not guilty enough.

"Andrew, honey-"

"What the FUCK is TRENT MATTINGLY doing in my house?!" I screamed, and my mom winced.

"Trent happens to be a very nice young man." My mother said, oh, the nerve, the utter NERVE. First, Trent Mattingly took the Orange Julius, and by association, the Chick-Fil-A. Now, Trent Mattingly is taking my parents?! I mean- my mom and BIFF.

"In what world is he considered nice?!" I shouted, and my mother gasped. Trent Mattingly had the nerve to look unfazed. The nerve.

"I think," my mother said, her tone authoritative, "maybe you should spend the evening in your room."

Her hands went to her hips, and she cocked her head at me towards the stairs. The nerve. Trent Mattingly cleared his throat, ever the attention hog.

"Why doesn't Andrew join us for dinner?" Trent Mattingly said, and he had the nerve, the utter nerve, to make himself sound sincere. He motioned a hand towards an open seat across the table, and smiled. At me. My stomach churned in anger. How dare he? How DARE he?

"Yeah," Biff said, his voice malicious and the stink of something dead coming up as he spoke, "I think it'd be right as rain."

I clenched my fists, Biff was gonna get it one day. He was GOING to GET IT. I swear on my own grave Biff was going to get his ass handed to him one of these days, preferably, by me.

Mall Vibes- A 2019 Christmas Story (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now