Izzy Izumi - Virtual Kiss

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“How could I forget to do my summer homework? My teacher is gonna kill me!” [Name] frantically emptied out the contents of her backpack onto her desk, causing several papers and books to fall out. 

[Name] had told herself countless times that she would stay on top of her summer homework before the break ended. But like any other teenager, [Name]’s summer vacation had flown by fairly quickly and she had spent the majority of it goofing off and procrastinated on her homework. She knew if she didn’t have her homework finished by the time school had started, she’d never hear the end of it from her teachers. Seriously, what was the point of having a summer vacation from school if you were just going to end up getting homework during the break anyway?

“Ugh, how the hell am I going to get all this done in time?” [Name] stared down at the pile of homework on her desk, sighing at the thought of the hours she’d have to spend trying to finish it all.

Her question was followed by the sound of her cell phone ringing its catchy little tune. She sighed in relief at the thought of a brief distraction from the homework she would have to tackle before answering her cell phone.


“Hey [Name], this is Izzy.” Izzy spoke on the receiving end.

The look in [Name]’s [e/c] eyes brightened before she sat down on her bed with her legs crossed. “Oh, hey Izzy, what’s up?”

“I was wondering if I could stop by your house today.” The sound of clattering could be heard over the phone. [Name] could tell the sounds was coming from his computer.

“Oh uh…” [Name] trailed off, glancing at her pile of homework.

“Of course if you’re in the middle of something right now, I can just come by another time.” Izzy reassured.

“No no, it’s not that. I’d just have to clean up a little, no big deal.” [Name] forced a small laugh, mentally slapping her forehead at how stupid she must’ve sounded over the phone.

[Name] was pretty good friends with Izzy. She always came to him whenever she had computer problems, which he was always happy to help with since that was his field of expertise. Overtime, she found herself growing fond of the red haired computer whiz and his company. [Name] wanted to do more than just discuss computers, but she didn’t know how to go about asking him without possibly making a complete fool of herself. And so, she did what any other teenage girl would do… make any excuse she could about something computer related as an excuse to hang out with him. The only problem to that theory was that she currently had no computer problems.

“Okay good, I needed to stop by and pick up my flash drive. I think I might’ve left it at your place when I was fixing your computer last week. It’s important that I get it back since I’ve got some important codes saved on it.” Izzy explained.

“Alright then,” [Name] tried to hide the disappointment in her voice by forcing a smile. “You can stop by whenever you’re ready.”

“Thanks [Name]; I’ll be over there in about fifteen minutes.”

‘Guess he won’t be staying long then…’ [Name] mentally sighed forlornly.

[Name] glanced back down at her piles of homework with a frown, until her eyes suddenly lit up in realization. She quickly put the phone back over her ear before Izzy could hang up.

“Hey Izzy, do you do think you could help me with something?”


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